What's so important about that date? That is the date I turn 18. That is the date I magically turn into an adult and take on all the responsibilities of adulthood. Suddenly, I'm going to be deemed responsible enough, old enough, to buy knives, guns, and ciggarettes on my own. Suddenly, I'm going to be deemed old enough to vote on who I want running my country. Suddenly I'm responsible enough to work in the meat/deli section of store.
What's so magical about the age 18? When I turned sixteen after being fifteen, I still freaked out happily over a new knife or seeing something involving one of my fandoms out in public. I still google searched strange things to use in my books. I still read books from the children AND YA section of the library. Same goes for when I turned seventeen after being sixteen. Of course, I'm so out of it sometimes that I still almost tell people that I'm fifteen.
Of course, things that happened while I was sixteen was that I got a job. I was introduced to 'Doctor Who,' and a wonderful time waster known as Netflix. I got my first actual paycheck, while beforehand, when I was a mopper/janitor person I'd been paid out of my employer's pocket. I got my first check stubs. I built a little box/chest that I absolutely love. It even has a lock. Which I rarely use. I met my cousin who was born on my birthday for the first time. I went to four different camps in one summer.
And well, I suppose not much has happened since I turned seventeen, seeing as I've only been seventeen for a few months.... But different things will happen.
When I was little and envisioned myself at age twelve, I saw myself as super mature, almost adult, calm, cool collected.... Haha, yeah. No. And I'm sure that's not going to happen when I turn eighteen either. I'm still going to be me, am I not? And 'me' is still going to like the same things she does, is she not? There was a little girl that once said something about how you're all ages at once. When you're sick and tired and want your mommy to hold you, you're six (that's me right now.) And she listed so many of those, but I don't remember them all and can't find them on youtube.
I guess my main point right now is this; Okay, so I'll be 18. It doesn't mean I'll really be any more mature or responsible than I am now...but I guess I might as well try.
~Katie :)
P.S. Honestly, the whole idea makes me feel rather sick.
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