Okay, so the first thing I wanna talk about is movies. Or maybe I should say ARE movies. Eh...see there's a reason I'm not going to be an English teacher. I can point out problems (such as; "your going to the gym with you're mom right?") but honestly, I have no clue what a predicate is. And I'm not only an author, but a 10th grader. You see, you don't need to know that stuff for life! Math unfortunately is needed....
Anyway, what are movies? Movies are stories displayed as pictures. Awesome, right? Eh...sometimes. I love a good movie as much as the next person...but movies almost always have happy endings. And that's depressing! Because, no matter how much I might want it, or someone else might want it...life isn't a movie. Life doesn't always have happy endings.
Sometimes the main character kills themselves...or they die in a wreck...or due to abuse they just shut down, and don't open up to anyone...they practically turn into a hermit...which isn't good.
Sometimes the person gets MURDERED.
In most movies...that doesn't happen. The girl who was going to commit suicide is stopped by her best friend who just knows something is wrong. The person doesn't die in the wreck, but their friend does--which is sad, and stuff, but still that wasn't the main character, right?--and they're left with depression, which they eventually get over, and they go around all happy and stuff--so not real life, the abused person manages to overcome the abuse--which in some cases they do, but in others they don't--and have super happy friendships and all that crap.
But real life isn't like that. In a movie someone gets kicked out of their house. What happens? Someone comes along, and rescues them. Always. But it's not always like that in real life. The popular bully ends up realizing the error of her ways, begs forgiveness--and even if she doesn't they end up being friends anyway--and the bullied girl is super sweet, and forgives them, and omw they are bff's forever and always, and never will be parted.... Yeah, I kinda doubt that happens in real life. In real life either the bully never realizes--or if she does, doesn't say anything--and if she does realize and begs forgiveness the bullied will still not want to be around them.... Although there probably are a few cases where they can be friends.
In movies it's love at first sight, they know it, and they go against all odds to be together, they find each other when their old, they kiss, and wa-lah they get married and have little Juniors running around...yay...but that doesn't happen in real life either. You gotta cultivate the relationship.
Yeah, that was my little rant of the day. I'll have another one later.
Actually, I have three things to speak of today. Two topics, and then my life in general. Do people seriously read my blog? It's a rather crazy blog. I applaud you if you can follow along with my conversations I have on here. I'm kind of ADHD, whoa, my mom is looking at something I reposted on fb. YAY! Actually, I'm ADHS. Attention Deficit Hyper Active--SQUIRREL! My friend taught me that, and it fits me perfectly. This is one of those bridge-y things you have in a song...just not in a song.
Next topic...one I'm sure I've explored before, and will likely explore again...FRIENDS!!!
Okay, so how many of you would say that you want a lot of friends? Me, I don't really care how many friends I have, but how awesome the friends I have are. I have some pretty great friends...too many to list. Then there's people that are my "friends" but they aren't very close, and I mostly count my friends as my close friends. The others are just acquaintances.
What are friends for? Well, friends are for companionship, and affirmation, and just general awesomeness. I cannot count the number of times when my friends have given me companionship, or given me affirmation--btw, to those of you who don't know what that is, that's when they remind you that you're worth something. I have good friends for that.--and oh my word, I could never count the number of times they've made me bust up laughing.
How many close friends do I have? Well, it actually differs sometimes. Sometimes I get closer to some friends then I do to others, then that changes and stuff, but I know that there are two people for sure that I could tell anything. And they've both reminded me things before. One's a guy, and one's a girl, and they're both amazing.
You already know my feelings about guys as my friends. I have another guy friend, but since I moved he and I aren't that close anymore. He's not really the type I could call, just to talk....the other guy friend and I have trouble with talking too much. So yeah, I can call the other guy a lot. My only concern is annoying him, because I'm not sure if he's joking or not all those times when he says I annoy the crap out of him. Yes, that's what he says.
Friends are also the people who can hurt you the most, and make you the most self conscience. It just depends on what they say, and how they say it.
There was--oh wow, I'm friends with a lot of guys--a guy who used to be like a big brother to me...but he teased...way too much. And then there were issues with me and his girlfriend, and one day it just got to where I promised myself, that if he hurt me, and let me down like that again--it had been so many times, and this is the big brother who promised he wouldn't just up and ditch me, which he ended up doing several times--I wasn't going to adopt him back. Because he was more of a teenage girl than me, and I couldn't take anymore stress like that. So I mostly depend on myself, and try not too trust too much.
So you gotta know that if I trust you...you're my friend, and you're one of the few.
If the afore mentioned people are reading this, yes I'm talking about you.
And there's things I don't just throw around as general knowledge. In fact, there's one insecurity I've had for over a year, and I FINALLY told someone about it yesterday. Yeah, one of those two friends mentioned before.
See, friends are absolutely amazing. And yeah, I think I have talked about this topic before, and said that if you need a friend I'll be your friend, because everyone should have a friend.
Wow, I type really fast, but that's a good thing because I think fast, and sometimes talk fast, and if I typed slow I would forget what I thought, and then you wouldn't have such long blog posts...do you guys like long or short blogposts? And furthermore, do you prefer glimpses into my life, my opinions, or educational stuff that I've picked up here and there?
Anyway, onto my "life."
I went to my friend Zena's school concert Tuesday, and it was utterly amazing. There was a beginning band, middle school band, high school marching band, high school choir, and middle school choir. And I loved it all.
And as we were leaving, there was a group of 2-3 girls and a guy, and one of the girls says, "Hola, senoritas!" And I shout back, "Hola senoritas, and senior!" And they laughed. But I think the guy liked that I didn't call him a senorita, because he called out, "Buenos Nuches!" And of course y'all might not know what that means, so translated into English, that is, "Hello miss'!" "Hello, miss' and mr!" And "good night!"
Yeah, it was pretty awesome. Then I went to youth group, then today, I went to school.
I've decided I want to take up tutoring. This is a conversation I had at school today.
Me to Gavyn: Do you think I'd be a good tutor?
Gavyn: (annoying, sarcastic, negative, very unserious, teasing response that I don't remember the words of)
Me: No, I'm being serious. For real, would I make a good tutor?
Gavyn: *thinks* Seriously? Yeah, you'd make a good tutor. Because you're smart.
Me: :) What about a teacher?
Gavyn: NO!
So it's settled. I'll be a tutor, but not a teacher. I mean, in a way I already tutor my classmates. I help them with their work and stuff, 'cause I'm nice, and smarticle like that. Oh yeah. Booyah. Oink. Random words. Rawr. Mmmmmhmmmm.
Okay, yeah, I'm done. I have to leave the library anyway, and my fingers are getting sore from all this typing :p
~Katie :)