Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dragon Pics

Due to my book, (Adventure of a Lifetime) I am in a dragon-y mood, and am therefore going to "steal" pictures from google images, and show them to you.  They're dragons....
I absolutely love this dragon.  It's beautiful.  I'm gonna see if I can get pictures of dragons that look like the ones in my book.
Aside from being an older dragon, this dragon looks about like Seven. And this dragon's eyes aren't golden.
If this dragon had golden eyes it would be Rajo perfectly.
This looks a lot like Rosko.  Even down to the green eyes!
This one is gorgeous too.
Isn't that just adorable?!
Baby dragons are adorable :)
This just looks good.
Dragon egg!
Another dragon egg.  I just love all this.
Gotta have a few angry dragons!
I love that dragon eye!
Like I said, we gotta have some angry dragons too.
Well, I think I'm going to skidadle now....  Maybe next time I'll do some unicorn pictures!
~Katie :)

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