- Excitement--Attendees to the sleepover become extremely excited, and many squeals of delight, as well as giggles can be heard echoing throughout the area.
- Preparatory--Actual preparing for the sleepover begins. Snacks and other needed supplies are bought, and packed.
- Show and Tell--upon arriving to sleep over, new items belonging to the attendees, as well as gifts from one attendee to the next are brought out and discussed.
- Boy Talk--Discussion of boys, cute and otherwise ensues. Shockingly, much teasing goes on during this stage.
- Bedmaking--Beds are made, and we go into Preparatory II
- Preparatory II--Ordinary everyday clothing is exchanged for PJs that should NEVER be worn to WalMart.
- Emergency Survival/Snacks--Room is made more comfortable with the aid of T-shirts, and blood sugar is raised (so you understand, we had one room with an airconditioner that had huge gaps on either side, so we stuffed the T-Shirts in there, and my cousin is a diabetic and her blood sugar was at 46 which is bad)
- Storytime--Random stories from our lives are shared, and giggles are uber abundant.
- Heart to Heart--Nothing like mouth to mouth, but where personal stories, feelings, and dreams are shared openly.
- Boy Talk 2--Not unlike #4, but attendees discuss boys they have strong dislike for.
- Giggaloza--Generally takes place around 2 or 3 AM. Giggles follow giggles, follow giggles, for no apparent reason whatsoever.
- Creativity--Giggles are still abundant, but are less noisy. During this stage attendees are struck with inspiration, and tend to write songs, poems, stories, and draw pictures
- Joking--Attendees to sleepover ask each other jokingly if they will ever go to sleep.
- Peter Pan--We realize that delirium has hit when Peter Pan appears at our window, and reminds us not to grow up...we then realize that we are nearing stage 15.
- Decline--Activity is calmer, and yawning, droopy eyelids, and nodding heads are abundant.
- Resistance--Sleep is banished in favor of seeing how tired we can get before turning off the lights.
- Lights out--Lights are turned off, but whispers about *cough cough* boys *cough cough* continues.
- Hey!--Whispers are still there, but they no longer involve boys, but rather consist of, "Hey...are you still awake?"
- The Evil which is Sleep--The darkness claims us, and we no longer speak of boys, but dream of boys.
- Pounding--A loud knocking ensues and through blurry eyes, and sleepy ears we see and hear the adults/alarms asking if we're awake, even through we just went to sleep 5 minutes ago.
- Mental Hangover--We wish we had skipped the sleepover in favor of actually sleeping, but instead we sing Christmas carols loudly
- Scolding--All involves are scolded for their late night carousing, and loud, unladylike, immature behavior.
- Repeat--All stages must be repeated as often as possible until every attendee has either a hotflash or a husband.
And school starts in 8 days.... I'm also trying to get a job at Braum's so I can make money and get my own things!
Anyway, I gotta go
~Katie :)
I miss sleepovers...I haven't had one in a long time...