Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Now, I know I've titled my posts something about Youth CAMP, but since today is Wednesday, and I have Youth Group then, (or AWANA, depending on what time of the year it is) I decided to title it Youth GROUP.
Yeah, I know I'm awesome.
Okay, so I found something awesome for you people with TracFones.  So you know how you have to buy minutes every so often for your tracfone?  Well, if you're a texter, fear no more!  You won't be using up your minutes as fast, because I found a FREE ap on the computer for texting.  If you don't have a computer though...Well, just skip this part.
It's called Pinger, and it's free.  Click the word "pinger" that will take you to the website.
Thank you to those of you who have skipped over that part if you had no use for it!
So, I'm sitting here, watching the third Narnia movie, (Voyage of the Dawn Treader) blogging, and talking to some awesome people.  (Karen, and Justice)
I'm also waiting to see if my friend will get on facebook, and message be back about if she wants to meet up at the corner of the street to go to Youth Group together.  That's what we often do.
If you're wondering what part of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader I'm at, I'm at the part where Reepicheap convinces Eustace (in dragon form) to go back, and fight because he's awesome and can fight!
And I'm now at the part in The Hobbit where they've just gotten rescued by the Eagles.  If I could remove myself from this contraption I could read a lot faster.  But instead I stay on here, talking to people, writing my own books, and blogging.
Anywho, I think I'm going to leave this post as is, and maybe post something longer later tonight.
~Katie :)

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