A day in the life of...you know I'll let you know when I find out, okay? Once I had a ton of pictures and stuff for a night in the life of me, but I couldn't get them all up in time, then I just lost the spark for posting that...Anyway! Moving on!
Does anyone know how I could watch Brave?! I've been searching, and searching for it! It's horrible! I looked on tubeplus.com, youtube, and even googled it! AHH! And I didn't just google the name, I googled Watch Brave online for free.
Hmm...so confusing.
Anyway, I suscribed to someone on youtube, and I knew who it was when I suscribed, but now I don't remember who it is! Granted I like what they post, but what really bugs me is that I don't remember who they are!
I think that they could be my friend Bekah's sister. I know that they're a girl!
I'm a little confused about the Catholics, and the Protestants, and all that. I mean, the Catholics seem nice enough, although I find it very very very strange, and idolitric that they pray to the saints... but, for the most part they do seem to follow the Bible.
But, most Protestants don't like the rules and stuff of the Catholics, and the Catholics are that way to the Protestants. Now, the Mormons I could understand because, they actually even have sacred underwear.
Okay, so I'm over at my grandparents house, and grammy is sitting here, and trying to watch me type, and see how well I type! At the dinner table! And she wants to know if I have the right typing formation, and what finger I hit the letter c with.
I'm typing fast, and I'm typing accurate...Does it matter what finger I hit my letters with? I mean, do they really come with a finger position like piano? Last I checked it didn't.
Apparently my left hand is over too far, and I'm not hitting the right keys with the right fingers, but who cares, because I can type very fast.
Piano is like embrained in my head or something because I keep trying to call the keys notes...is that crazy or what!
I have a 2 year old cousin, (well, techinically I have two, but I'm referring to Jaylee here.) And she ate half of a pickle I gave her.
Now, that wasn't really what I was going to tell you, but I couldn't remember what I was really going to tell you, and she's my cousin, and I wanted to make reference to her.
My mommy is awesome, and amazing, and the best mommy in the world. I love her. A lot.
And just saying...if anyone, I repeat ANYONE hurts my family...I will make your life miserable until it ends. Because I love my family, and if you hurt them, you deserve pain.
I'm sorry, I just thought I should warn you that I love my family a lot. They're very loveable.
So are bunnies. My bunny is awesome. My bunnies better than yourrrrrs is! But you have a chinchilla, so you win.
Do you know how soft a chinchilla is?! They are freakishly soft! And, ooh ooh ooh! They take dirt baths! Is that awesome or what?!
That or what was NOT funny.
Now, I know that some of you might not understand my wording, and increasingly odd typing skills sometimes...such as the term enbrained. They are Katieisms, you will get used to them. And if you don't...it's okay I forgive you.
I was supposed to be publishing my book this month. The Unnamed Legend, but I don't think that I'll be able to manage it... So I'm pretty sad.
I've got so many book ideas swirling around in my head!
See, there's some where there's a girl, who meets this guys, and then they end up going off on some sort of an adventure, and then there's others where this girl, so she lives with her grandparents, and then her grandma dies, and her boyfriends rapes her, and she gets pregnant, and she tries to decide if she should abort the baby or not, and then she ends up realizing no, she shouldn't, and doesn't, and gets closer to God and all that.
Okay, so my cousin (she's two) wants to make a paragraph. I'll try to tell her which keys to press, but she might just press her own.
n hi i zam japtylee k8iiii yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybbbbfffffffxxxxxxxcccccccccccccccccccccggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrccccccccccccccccc .cy jjjjjjjkv n./
Didn't she make a good blog post? See, the first part is supposed to say Hi I am Jaylee. I was telling her which keys to press, but I think she was getting tired of that, and I asked her if she wanted to just press button now or not.
I think that she still wants to press buttons and stuff. You see, she's sitting on my lap. I'm kind of glad that she can't read yet. I don't know if she'll be one of the readers of the family or not.
Norma sure isn't. She's 10, and she's probably read at most 100 books. I'm 14, and I've probably read 14,000 books. Somewhere around there. I've read a ton of them. Jaylee keeps reaching in randomly and pressing the space bar. It's a bit annoying...
She wants to push the buttons too.
Now, as much as I like technology, there's very few technologies that I think that little kids and babies should have access to. I mean like, they should have music, if it's on a CD or MP3 player, then so be it! But I don't think that you should be giving them all sorts of technology...who knows what could happen with it!
Once, they was a little boy who got a hold of internet and stuff, and he bought a really expensive car with his mom's credit card.
See, that is why you don't give kids that much technology!
Okay, sorry, anyway...um...well, I guess I'm gonna go, before anything else wacky and random gets in my head, and I go random off.
~Katie :)
Chinchillas are really soft but they're also really gross. When you hold them, they poop constantly. And they also scrape the poop out of their cage onto the floor. And there is something else even grosser that the males do which I'm not going to say. My friend has two.