I told you I'd do another one.
My mama is the bravest, strongest, sweetest woman alive. Yes she has meltdowns, but don't we all? If we don't, I don't think we've been alive long enough.
My mama raised me by herself, because my dad died when I was really young, and that proves how strong she is. She went up against the people pressuring her to put me in public school, and she still homeschools me to this day, and I LOVE IT!
She's very sweet, she doesn't get mad at me if I forget something, just slightly annoyed, and she's never ever hurt me.
She understands my needs for books, and cats, and she encourages me to write in my books, and practice piano, and sing.
She's the kind of mom every girl needs.
The kind you can talk to about boys, fashion, books, and music.
She made me all my outfits back when I couldn't fit the store bought clothes, and even some of them now.
She goes out there, and mows the yard in the heat, because she doesn't have the money to pay someone to mow it, and no one would volunteer for free.
She goes places and does things because I wanted to.
She let me join 4H, and help out at the Animal Shelter, joined Choir at church.
She loves me as I am, and doesn't judge. She let me go to Youth Camp, when I know she didn't really want me gone for a whole week.
She will allow me to randomly hug her, even when its so hot that the grasshoppers would rather be on a hot skillet, because the skillet's cooler!
She lets me drink Mountain Dew, even though she knows how hyper I get while on it.
She's the best mom in the world, and if anyone dares to disagree, please watch out, because everyone at Youth Camp except one person thought I was dangerous with sharp objects of any kind, and I have several. Yes, there's mom's close to my mom, but none of them are as awesome as my mom.
I've never been a single mom, but I know it's gotta be tough, and my mom is gettin' through it, even though it gets tough sometimes. Like the time I ran a needle through my finger.
But my mom is the most amazing woman in the world, she always has been, and always will be, and I love my mommy so much! Even though I fail to wash the dishes like I ought to....
Signing off from a house where my momma is somewhere, Katie
Hello, my name is Katie. I'm a fairly freethinking writer and a bit of a nerd...or geek...not as hyper as when this blog was originally made, but enjoy it anyway.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Okay, I have actually never EVER done anything like this, so if it's stupid and idiotic, and makes everyone wish they haven't come here... Sorry...
I am dedicating this blogpost to my big brother Donny.
It doesn't matter that we don't have the same mom or dad, or the fact that we aren't even COUSINS (!) unless you go all the way back to Noah anyway, he's my brother anyway.
It doesn't matter that half my biological family keep saying he's not my brother, or that we've never exactly met in real life.
He's always been there for me. He does practically everything a biological brother does.
He teases me about the guy I like, he teases me about my typos (tiepose) and even about my hyperness.
He'll laugh at me when I get shocked, and he can normally tell when he's said something that has shocked me.
He'll purposely say something like, "Hey Katie, umm.... Err, nvm" Just to make me go crazy trying to figure out what he was going to say.
He'll read/tell me bedtime stories, beg me to write more in my original story, because he's GOT TO HAVE MORE! He'll sometimes sing the shaving cream song for me, and he'll give me advice about what to do if the guy I likes talks to me!
Aka, pretend the guy I like is him, and talk to him the way I talk to Donny...
He makes me laugh till I can't breath, and let's me "hack" his facebook.
Aka, he gave me the password, and I'm allowed as long as I don't do drastic things. And no, I'm NOT giving out his password!
He can ALWAYS tell when I'm like depressed or something, and he'll ask me what's wrong, and I know it's no use saying nothing, because he'll keep asking, and I know that if I don't give him an answer I'll worry him to death.
He's the guy that actually told me to slap a guy if he kissed me without his permission. The only exception, he said, was if I gave the guy permission, because he trusts my judgement.
He's excepted me like I am, and he really truly cares about me.
If that's not a brother, then I don't know what is. But I do know that Donny is the best brother anyone could ever have, Biological or not.
Donny is one of the best guys in the world, and I love him.
Signing off, Katie, the girl with the best big brother in the world.
P.S. I think I'll dedicate some more posts later.
I am dedicating this blogpost to my big brother Donny.
It doesn't matter that we don't have the same mom or dad, or the fact that we aren't even COUSINS (!) unless you go all the way back to Noah anyway, he's my brother anyway.
It doesn't matter that half my biological family keep saying he's not my brother, or that we've never exactly met in real life.
He's always been there for me. He does practically everything a biological brother does.
He teases me about the guy I like, he teases me about my typos (tiepose) and even about my hyperness.
He'll laugh at me when I get shocked, and he can normally tell when he's said something that has shocked me.
He'll purposely say something like, "Hey Katie, umm.... Err, nvm" Just to make me go crazy trying to figure out what he was going to say.
He'll read/tell me bedtime stories, beg me to write more in my original story, because he's GOT TO HAVE MORE! He'll sometimes sing the shaving cream song for me, and he'll give me advice about what to do if the guy I likes talks to me!
Aka, pretend the guy I like is him, and talk to him the way I talk to Donny...
He makes me laugh till I can't breath, and let's me "hack" his facebook.
Aka, he gave me the password, and I'm allowed as long as I don't do drastic things. And no, I'm NOT giving out his password!
He can ALWAYS tell when I'm like depressed or something, and he'll ask me what's wrong, and I know it's no use saying nothing, because he'll keep asking, and I know that if I don't give him an answer I'll worry him to death.
He's the guy that actually told me to slap a guy if he kissed me without his permission. The only exception, he said, was if I gave the guy permission, because he trusts my judgement.
He's excepted me like I am, and he really truly cares about me.
If that's not a brother, then I don't know what is. But I do know that Donny is the best brother anyone could ever have, Biological or not.
Donny is one of the best guys in the world, and I love him.
Signing off, Katie, the girl with the best big brother in the world.
P.S. I think I'll dedicate some more posts later.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
No Idea!
Okayz, so I'm really sorry about no blog post yesterday! Got busy hacking my big brothers face book account.
I'm considering becoming a "model" Would you like to explain what I mean by that? I mean that I will make me an outfit, take a few pictures from different angles, and then upload and post on here!
What do you think?
I already even have a few outfits ready, but our camera has no more room for pictures. And so, we will have to buy a new memory card.
I bought an AWESOME cloth three ring binder! It's blue and silver, and I bought stuff to go inside it too!
Two packages of crayons, one package of colored pencils, a pencil sharpener, two erasers, and a notebook to go inside it!
I already had, felt tip pens (colors are: blue, purple, green, pink, orange, yellow, and black) a little notebook with personal stuff in it (no not a diary!) some paper, and a few lists.
Pretty awesome right?
I'm also thinking about getting my ears pierced. There are several things I have thought about/considered.
1. If I DO get my ears pierced, it will be with my mom's permission, and I will only wear studs.
2. Waiting till I get married, and then asking my husband if he would be okay with me getting me ears pierced.
Those are my options right now. Here's some other things too.
1. Getting both of my ears pierced the exact same time, rather than having the lady/dude pierce one ear, and then the other.
2. Wearing nothing made from nickle!
3. I could get my ears pierced at WalMart as long as the things are sterile, which, considering they use the earring its self, rather than needles.
I have actually looked into this. And, hopefully, if I do get my ears pierced, I will not have sensitive ears, that are allergic to everything non pure gold and surgical steal.
I can hardly wait for Camp Meeting!
We have Camp Meeting at a town/city about 30 minutes from us every year, and I LOVE it every year!
It just gets better and better! However, I HATE it when the pastors shout. That makes me scared, and less likely to listen and comprehend what he/she says.
I also don't like to go up at Altar Services, even if I need to. Because, regardless to what the people praying with the people praying think, I. Do. Not. Do. Being. Touched. While. Praying!
It's very distracting and makes it hard to concentrate.
But I have badish news about camp! Well, sorta, it's both good and bad.
I think that the guy I like is going to be at Camp... That's good. Except he knows I like him, (I didn't tell him I swear, someone else did!) and I'm scared he'll talk to me.
Pathetic right?!
Donny (my brother) told me to pretend the guy I like (we'll call him Tyler) he told me to pretend that Tyler is him... However... Donny and I talk about... Tyler, hacking, "getting revenge", random things, strange stories, jokes, and how geese poop and fly at the same time.
Now, if I tried to talk to Tyler about that... I'm scared I'd freak him out. Okay, we only talked about the geese once!
However, we do talk about the Internet, Sock Eating Monsters, the Generator, and Sleep Stealing Monsters.
Mexican food, spaghetti... Well, we pretty much talk about everything. And it very seldom gets awkward.
Well, I havfta... Wash.......Dishes...... I. Do. Not. Like. To. Wash. Dishes!
But, I havfta, so
Type at all my fair readers later!
Signing out from a strange little town, Katie, the girl who is soon to have dish water hands!
I'm considering becoming a "model" Would you like to explain what I mean by that? I mean that I will make me an outfit, take a few pictures from different angles, and then upload and post on here!
What do you think?
I already even have a few outfits ready, but our camera has no more room for pictures. And so, we will have to buy a new memory card.
I bought an AWESOME cloth three ring binder! It's blue and silver, and I bought stuff to go inside it too!
Two packages of crayons, one package of colored pencils, a pencil sharpener, two erasers, and a notebook to go inside it!
I already had, felt tip pens (colors are: blue, purple, green, pink, orange, yellow, and black) a little notebook with personal stuff in it (no not a diary!) some paper, and a few lists.
Pretty awesome right?
I'm also thinking about getting my ears pierced. There are several things I have thought about/considered.
1. If I DO get my ears pierced, it will be with my mom's permission, and I will only wear studs.
2. Waiting till I get married, and then asking my husband if he would be okay with me getting me ears pierced.
Those are my options right now. Here's some other things too.
1. Getting both of my ears pierced the exact same time, rather than having the lady/dude pierce one ear, and then the other.
2. Wearing nothing made from nickle!
3. I could get my ears pierced at WalMart as long as the things are sterile, which, considering they use the earring its self, rather than needles.
I have actually looked into this. And, hopefully, if I do get my ears pierced, I will not have sensitive ears, that are allergic to everything non pure gold and surgical steal.
I can hardly wait for Camp Meeting!
We have Camp Meeting at a town/city about 30 minutes from us every year, and I LOVE it every year!
It just gets better and better! However, I HATE it when the pastors shout. That makes me scared, and less likely to listen and comprehend what he/she says.
I also don't like to go up at Altar Services, even if I need to. Because, regardless to what the people praying with the people praying think, I. Do. Not. Do. Being. Touched. While. Praying!
It's very distracting and makes it hard to concentrate.
But I have badish news about camp! Well, sorta, it's both good and bad.
I think that the guy I like is going to be at Camp... That's good. Except he knows I like him, (I didn't tell him I swear, someone else did!) and I'm scared he'll talk to me.
Pathetic right?!
Donny (my brother) told me to pretend the guy I like (we'll call him Tyler) he told me to pretend that Tyler is him... However... Donny and I talk about... Tyler, hacking, "getting revenge", random things, strange stories, jokes, and how geese poop and fly at the same time.
Now, if I tried to talk to Tyler about that... I'm scared I'd freak him out. Okay, we only talked about the geese once!
However, we do talk about the Internet, Sock Eating Monsters, the Generator, and Sleep Stealing Monsters.
Mexican food, spaghetti... Well, we pretty much talk about everything. And it very seldom gets awkward.
Well, I havfta... Wash.......Dishes...... I. Do. Not. Like. To. Wash. Dishes!
But, I havfta, so
Type at all my fair readers later!
Signing out from a strange little town, Katie, the girl who is soon to have dish water hands!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
My big brother Donny does rants! And I love his rants! They are SO funny, and I love them! I'm also hyper! *giggles*
Well that's all, night night!
Well that's all, night night!
Donny's Rants: Misery loves company
This is my brother Donny's rants :) I love my brother.
Donny's Rants: Misery loves company: "Gah im so miserable and lonely tonight. I was talking to Hannah and all of a sudden she just stopped talking, I dont know what happened to h..."
Donny's Rants: Misery loves company: "Gah im so miserable and lonely tonight. I was talking to Hannah and all of a sudden she just stopped talking, I dont know what happened to h..."
Monday, July 25, 2011
14 Days of Homeschool
I decided to just give you the song! Now, I don't quite get the last verse (I never memorized it either) But it has all the verses ;)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
What About P.E.?
I should probably apologize for being a huge ranting brat yesterday, but I'm not going to.
Instead I shall rant!
NO DUCKY! How many times must I tell you not to jump on the keyboard but to jump on my LAP!
Instead I shall rant!
NO DUCKY! How many times must I tell you not to jump on the keyboard but to jump on my LAP!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I'm Tired Of....
I know I shouldn't be posting rants. But I need to rant, because that's the only way I can think to tell people how I really feel.
I'm tired of feeling like I'm going to get raped, and being scared of most all guys, I'm tired of when I try to do something that I think is good, it not being good.
Tired of having one of my aunts and grammy treat me like a child most all of the time then expecting me to act like an adult, no wonder most teens have a rebellion stage!
I'm tired of hiding my emotions, and every time I want to cry and someone walks in making me not cry.
I'm tired of going in the other room to have alone time, and being followed all the time. Tired of turning my music up so I can drown out the world, and having it turned down again.
I'm so tired of hearing the depressing news all the time, and I'm tired of having my dog yelp, tired of every time there's an animal at the animal shelter that I get attached to that helps me to feel not so depressed gets adopted, and no one even seems to care about it.
Sick and tired of being left out, and tired of being depressed almost every night because the only ones who seem to understand me are my INTERNET friends. Not my family, but my INTERNET friends.
I'm tired of people saying that Donny isn't my brother just because we aren't physically related, tired of the only guy that says to slap a guy for kissing me without his permission is Donny, and not Papa.
Tired of wishing there was someone out there that would except every single part of me as me, and not trying to change me into everything.
Tired of being told I'm too young to "worry" about what I want in a husband, and that I wouldn't want kids, that no matter what I have to wait till I'm in my twenties to get married, tired of being told that I'm still a child, tired of being told I'm too young to have a job, tired of everywhere I go there being nothing that I'm the best at.
I'm totally sick and tired of having to hide my true emotions behind hyperness. I'm tired of being known as an immature girl.
I'm tired of not being able to find a math book, or a person, that can teach me math in a way I understand that does not reduce me to tears!
I'm tired of being insecure that everything will fall apart and I'm scared of hurt, rejection, everything!
I should just be a hermit and stay away from people, because I haven't helped anyone with anything, no matter what, if anything I've hindered people from doing things.
I'm tired of being terrified my worse nightmare will come back, and tired of nightmares.
I know I shouldn't post this, but if I don't it'll just get worse till I'm just a grouch. All the time.
Maybe sometime when you ask if I'm okay, and I say yes, just give me a hug for cryin' out loud!
Signing out from a room in Kansas, finally okayish, Katie, the hyper to hide her feelings girl
I'm tired of feeling like I'm going to get raped, and being scared of most all guys, I'm tired of when I try to do something that I think is good, it not being good.
Tired of having one of my aunts and grammy treat me like a child most all of the time then expecting me to act like an adult, no wonder most teens have a rebellion stage!
I'm tired of hiding my emotions, and every time I want to cry and someone walks in making me not cry.
I'm tired of going in the other room to have alone time, and being followed all the time. Tired of turning my music up so I can drown out the world, and having it turned down again.
I'm so tired of hearing the depressing news all the time, and I'm tired of having my dog yelp, tired of every time there's an animal at the animal shelter that I get attached to that helps me to feel not so depressed gets adopted, and no one even seems to care about it.
Sick and tired of being left out, and tired of being depressed almost every night because the only ones who seem to understand me are my INTERNET friends. Not my family, but my INTERNET friends.
I'm tired of people saying that Donny isn't my brother just because we aren't physically related, tired of the only guy that says to slap a guy for kissing me without his permission is Donny, and not Papa.
Tired of wishing there was someone out there that would except every single part of me as me, and not trying to change me into everything.
Tired of being told I'm too young to "worry" about what I want in a husband, and that I wouldn't want kids, that no matter what I have to wait till I'm in my twenties to get married, tired of being told that I'm still a child, tired of being told I'm too young to have a job, tired of everywhere I go there being nothing that I'm the best at.
I'm totally sick and tired of having to hide my true emotions behind hyperness. I'm tired of being known as an immature girl.
I'm tired of not being able to find a math book, or a person, that can teach me math in a way I understand that does not reduce me to tears!
I'm tired of being insecure that everything will fall apart and I'm scared of hurt, rejection, everything!
I should just be a hermit and stay away from people, because I haven't helped anyone with anything, no matter what, if anything I've hindered people from doing things.
I'm tired of being terrified my worse nightmare will come back, and tired of nightmares.
I know I shouldn't post this, but if I don't it'll just get worse till I'm just a grouch. All the time.
Maybe sometime when you ask if I'm okay, and I say yes, just give me a hug for cryin' out loud!
Signing out from a room in Kansas, finally okayish, Katie, the hyper to hide her feelings girl
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Do You Give Them Tests?
You'll never guess what I found out. Well, you might, but I don't know if I've already told you peoples, or what, but... I found out that....... Well... That I'm up past my bed time, and so I havfta go to bed without a blog post so I havta make this fast!
The third verse!!!!
"On the third day of Homeschool my neighbor said to me... "Do you give them tests? Are they socialized? Can you homeschool legally?""
Well, signing off, a tiredish girl, Katieeeeeeeeeeeeee
You'll never guess what I found out. Well, you might, but I don't know if I've already told you peoples, or what, but... I found out that....... Well... That I'm up past my bed time, and so I havfta go to bed without a blog post so I havta make this fast!
The third verse!!!!
"On the third day of Homeschool my neighbor said to me... "Do you give them tests? Are they socialized? Can you homeschool legally?""
Well, signing off, a tiredish girl, Katieeeeeeeeeeeeee
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Are They Socialized?
Welcome, welcome, welcome, to my hyper thought filled blog!
Here's another riddle/riddles for you!
1. Abraham is 11 years old, yet only three days can he actually count as his birthday. How is this so?
2. It can't be bought and it can't be sold, but it can be shared, which is the only way to truly have it. What is it?
3. What can you break without touching it?
4. I am one who many fight, and some embrace. I've had many victories though I never fight. I talk very little yet always have the last word. What am I?
I'll answer those at the end.
And now for the second verse of The Homeschool Song!
"On the second day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Are they socialized? can you homeschool legally?"
I know I know, only two verses! I'll post more later, either today, or tomorrow, or possibly both
Would you like some pictures? Of course you would!
Here's another riddle/riddles for you!
1. Abraham is 11 years old, yet only three days can he actually count as his birthday. How is this so?
2. It can't be bought and it can't be sold, but it can be shared, which is the only way to truly have it. What is it?
3. What can you break without touching it?
4. I am one who many fight, and some embrace. I've had many victories though I never fight. I talk very little yet always have the last word. What am I?
I'll answer those at the end.
And now for the second verse of The Homeschool Song!
"On the second day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, "Are they socialized? can you homeschool legally?"
I know I know, only two verses! I'll post more later, either today, or tomorrow, or possibly both
Would you like some pictures? Of course you would!
My profile picture, even though you already know what it looks like,
And here is a picture of a puppy named Skyler!

And a picture of a dog named Bud
A kitty named Erik (my baby <3 )
I think I will stop there for the moment.
Lets seeeeee, what did I do today?
Well, I woke up, laid around in bed for a while, then got up, and was hungry, so hasn't eaten yet, so is still hungry.
Needs to brush her hair but doesn't have her hairbrush and is too lazy to go out into the hot hot hot sun to go to Grammy and Papa's to get her hairbrush.
Also is supposed to have piano lessons, but doesn't think she can go. Too hot to bike to my piano teachers, and I wasn't able to practice.
So, yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh.......
I called my piano teacher earlier, but she didn't answer. So she doesn't know that I'm not going.
I'll call her before 1:00, which is when piano lessons is.
You know something I don't get? Why they still call places that put dogs down Animal SHELTERS, and not POUNDS. POUNDS kill animals, SHELTERS, keep the animals safe no matter what.
Sorry about that mini rant...
Anywho, here's the answers to the above riddles
1. He was born on the 29th of February, on leap year.
2. Love/Friendship
3. Your promise/trust
4. Death
Hope you enjoyed this post.
Signing out from this remote town in a remote state, in the remote world, is Katie, the girl, who regardless to contrary belief DOES have a last name!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Can You Homeschool Legaly?
I have discovered that it is very very fun to have riddling contests. I don't think that the best part is being ahead, but trying to figure the riddles out, and find more riddles to give to your opponent!
I also think it's fun to have guy friends. If I wasn't so shy around them, I think I would have more. I do have a few though, and one of them I am having a riddling contest with!
Here's a few riddles for you to solve, I will answer them either at the end of this post, or in the next one.
1. What belongs to you, but is used by others the most?
2. The more you take from me the bigger I get, what am I?
3.Alive without breath, cold as death, never thirsting, ever drinking, garbed in armor never clinking, what am I?
4. I have one eye that cannot blink. I can fix man cloth and animal, what am I?
That's all the riddles for now.
Think about them while I continue my tirade.
There's a really good song, called the homeschool song, it goes to the tune of "The Twelve Days Of Christmas," and here's the first verse, I will post a verse with every post I post while posting a post... I just lost myself, but oh well!
Here's the first verse...
"On the first day of Homeschool, my neighbor said to me, "Can you homeschool legally?""
There are thirteen verses in all.
I met a girl named Bridget at camp, and I taught it to her. We also did a Congo line, and we sang it while doing the Congo line. It was fun!
It drove my other friend Katie crazy.
And here's another song that we sang at camp, it is a veggie tales song, and you should look it up on YouTube! It's called the hairbrush song.
When we hit the high note our sponsors wife howled, and Mark sprayed her with the sprayer in the kitchen. I think I already said that.
Sittin' here listening to "Never Grow Up" having a rather odd Internet chase with my "brother", having a riddling contest with my other friend, drinking milk, and blogging is rather fun.
NO GO BACK TO NEVER GROW UP! There that's better... Yes play it loud and sing along. Good, that's good. Calm down Katie...
I stepped on a kitty earlier, and I huwt his paw, I was sad, but the kitty is okay now!
Well, I am getting ready to work on an original, and then, I am going to look up more riddles, play my computer games, then, take a shower, and go to bed.
So I am going to leave you here with four answers to four riddles
1. Your name silly!
2. A whole in the ground!
3. A fish! (don't be upset if you didn't get it, I thought it was a sea serpent)
4. A needle!
And now, signing off from some planet in outer space, KATIE THE MARPIAN!
I also think it's fun to have guy friends. If I wasn't so shy around them, I think I would have more. I do have a few though, and one of them I am having a riddling contest with!
Here's a few riddles for you to solve, I will answer them either at the end of this post, or in the next one.
1. What belongs to you, but is used by others the most?
2. The more you take from me the bigger I get, what am I?
3.Alive without breath, cold as death, never thirsting, ever drinking, garbed in armor never clinking, what am I?
4. I have one eye that cannot blink. I can fix man cloth and animal, what am I?
That's all the riddles for now.
Think about them while I continue my tirade.
There's a really good song, called the homeschool song, it goes to the tune of "The Twelve Days Of Christmas," and here's the first verse, I will post a verse with every post I post while posting a post... I just lost myself, but oh well!
Here's the first verse...
"On the first day of Homeschool, my neighbor said to me, "Can you homeschool legally?""
There are thirteen verses in all.
I met a girl named Bridget at camp, and I taught it to her. We also did a Congo line, and we sang it while doing the Congo line. It was fun!
It drove my other friend Katie crazy.
And here's another song that we sang at camp, it is a veggie tales song, and you should look it up on YouTube! It's called the hairbrush song.
When we hit the high note our sponsors wife howled, and Mark sprayed her with the sprayer in the kitchen. I think I already said that.
Sittin' here listening to "Never Grow Up" having a rather odd Internet chase with my "brother", having a riddling contest with my other friend, drinking milk, and blogging is rather fun.
NO GO BACK TO NEVER GROW UP! There that's better... Yes play it loud and sing along. Good, that's good. Calm down Katie...
I stepped on a kitty earlier, and I huwt his paw, I was sad, but the kitty is okay now!
Well, I am getting ready to work on an original, and then, I am going to look up more riddles, play my computer games, then, take a shower, and go to bed.
So I am going to leave you here with four answers to four riddles
1. Your name silly!
2. A whole in the ground!
3. A fish! (don't be upset if you didn't get it, I thought it was a sea serpent)
4. A needle!
And now, signing off from some planet in outer space, KATIE THE MARPIAN!
Now For The Heat Wave
I am going to be using weird titles now okay? Anyway, it's really hot today, and it's been hot for a LONG time, I've been wanting to go swimming, but I'm too lazy to pick up my swim stuff and bike the short distance to the pool to swim and get wet, and cooled off, and possibly even see some of my friends...
I am very hyper although I have NO idea why!
And now while I chat with about two people one of my friends is now hyper as well, and talking about Bugs Bunny! My other friend doesn't seem to be going quite as hyper, his facebook status says that he is tired, so that might be why, although last night I was hyper and tired at the same time!
However, it is very bad when you're hyper, tired, and depressed at the same time, because you have no idea what you're going to do. I was like that once and I scared myself, 'cause I had no idea what was going on!
Anyway, now as I finish my post, I am slightly less hyper. When I was hyperer a little bit ago, I sent all the smileys to one of my friends, causing him to wonder what in the world was wrong with me.
I actually think that milk makes me hyper too. My family, and some of my friends think that I'm hyper all the time.
I didn't get up till noon! I was awake, I was just to lazy to roll out of bed and do stuff. When I woke up, one of the kittens (Pato if you wanna know) was snuggled up next to my arm on my pillow. I thought it was so sweet. Then, he started to do that loving thing that cats do, by rubbing their mouth all over you, and I pushed him away, and told him no.
Then I got up, and asked mom what we were eating for food. She didn't know, so I took my money ($5.88 if you wanna know) and bought fake oreos and milk at our wonderful grocery store!
I've been drinking the milk out of the carton because my mom can't drink pasteurized milk, and there's no one else around the house, and the cats wouldn't care.
A good game you should play is howrse.
You should be able to get there by this link
Links don't seem to be working, but I don't know why.
I think I should post a few more pictures I've taken, or that are cool that someone else has taken.
My kitty cat, Aronja

A drawing I did, for Owl City, when I was bored, and I think I was listening to Owl City music actually!

A kitten of mine (well I know who I'm giving her to) named Popcorn

No more pictures for now...
I hope you guys enjoy my posts, and if you don't well, you just don't have to read them, but this the way I deal with life.
Katie, the slightly depressed girl, signing out
I am very hyper although I have NO idea why!
And now while I chat with about two people one of my friends is now hyper as well, and talking about Bugs Bunny! My other friend doesn't seem to be going quite as hyper, his facebook status says that he is tired, so that might be why, although last night I was hyper and tired at the same time!
However, it is very bad when you're hyper, tired, and depressed at the same time, because you have no idea what you're going to do. I was like that once and I scared myself, 'cause I had no idea what was going on!
Anyway, now as I finish my post, I am slightly less hyper. When I was hyperer a little bit ago, I sent all the smileys to one of my friends, causing him to wonder what in the world was wrong with me.
I actually think that milk makes me hyper too. My family, and some of my friends think that I'm hyper all the time.
I didn't get up till noon! I was awake, I was just to lazy to roll out of bed and do stuff. When I woke up, one of the kittens (Pato if you wanna know) was snuggled up next to my arm on my pillow. I thought it was so sweet. Then, he started to do that loving thing that cats do, by rubbing their mouth all over you, and I pushed him away, and told him no.
Then I got up, and asked mom what we were eating for food. She didn't know, so I took my money ($5.88 if you wanna know) and bought fake oreos and milk at our wonderful grocery store!
I've been drinking the milk out of the carton because my mom can't drink pasteurized milk, and there's no one else around the house, and the cats wouldn't care.
A good game you should play is howrse.
You should be able to get there by this link
Links don't seem to be working, but I don't know why.
I think I should post a few more pictures I've taken, or that are cool that someone else has taken.
My kitty cat, Aronja

A drawing I did, for Owl City, when I was bored, and I think I was listening to Owl City music actually!

A kitten of mine (well I know who I'm giving her to) named Popcorn

No more pictures for now...
I hope you guys enjoy my posts, and if you don't well, you just don't have to read them, but this the way I deal with life.
Katie, the slightly depressed girl, signing out
Well, I stayed up till time to birth my unicorn, and the baby wasn't a uni. I was sad. I only have a 1 out of 6 chance of getting a unicorn. So yeah I was sad.
However I named the filly, (it was a cute little girl!) Perhaps There's Hope. Nice name huh?
I've taken to naming my horses things like that.
There's Abandoned Heart, Show Me Love, Wish For Innocence, and I think that's all for now, but I AM going to continue to breed my horses. However I really need to sell a few.
So I should really go to bed, it is 1:39 AM, and it will be later when I get this all wound up. But I really wanna stay up and listen to my Taylor Swift music. I love her music.
I think I should name some of my horses after her songs.
Sadly I have no horses of my own in real life. I LOVE horses though. They are so beautiful!
Here, if this will work, I think I have a picture of a horse that I took.

Did it work? I think it worked.
Here's another picture I took

I think that they're working, but I really need to go to bed before my eyeballs fal out, so, goodnight, well, rather good morning, because it's 1:50 AM, so,
Type at all you my dear readers sometime later!
This is Katie, the girl with the invisible elephant, signing off and going to zzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
However I named the filly, (it was a cute little girl!) Perhaps There's Hope. Nice name huh?
I've taken to naming my horses things like that.
There's Abandoned Heart, Show Me Love, Wish For Innocence, and I think that's all for now, but I AM going to continue to breed my horses. However I really need to sell a few.
So I should really go to bed, it is 1:39 AM, and it will be later when I get this all wound up. But I really wanna stay up and listen to my Taylor Swift music. I love her music.
I think I should name some of my horses after her songs.
Sadly I have no horses of my own in real life. I LOVE horses though. They are so beautiful!
Here, if this will work, I think I have a picture of a horse that I took.

Did it work? I think it worked.
Here's another picture I took

I think that they're working, but I really need to go to bed before my eyeballs fal out, so, goodnight, well, rather good morning, because it's 1:50 AM, so,
Type at all you my dear readers sometime later!
This is Katie, the girl with the invisible elephant, signing off and going to zzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Late Night Epicness
Alright, I realize that I don't normally post twice in a day, and that I've posted twice in a day, but I am bored. And actually this is tomorrow. Very early tomorrow morning.
I am staying up very late because of a computer game called howrse. There are unicorns, Pegasus, and normal horses and ponies. I have a unicorn, and you can only breed a unicorn with another unicorn at a certain time to have a unicorn. You can also only birth a unicorn, at a certain time. My unicorn has been bred, so I am going to birth her tonight at like 1 somethin'.
Like I said I was bored, so I really have no idea what to put. I could tell you more about myself, things like that if you would like? Of course I can't hear what you're saying while reading this, so you are either screaming "No spare us!" or, "Yes yes more more!"
I have decided that you are screaming YES at the top of your lungs so here goes.
I like to sing along to stuff, and to also sing by myself, even though I freeze up when trying to sing in front of people, and get all shaky, even though I normally do well!
I play the piano, in nearly level three in the Alfred books. I've had two or three years of actual piano lessons, the rest I taught myself, and I'm learning how to do the cords, so I can play out of the big book at my church!
I love my cats, they have been there nearly every time I was depressed and crying, and they let me cry in their fur.
Dogs, not so much, they tried to lick my face, which didn't help too much.
I would play the flute if I had a flute, but alas I own not a flute, nor have the proper means to buy one of my own.
I asked for one at Christmas, but I didn't get one, which made me sad.
I am an only child, although there are three people in my life that I feel are my sisters and brother.
They are, Donny, he's 17, and the best big brother a girl could ask for, Hannah, she's 15 older than me, yet I feel like we're twins, and Emma, she's also 17, and while I feel she's older than me, she doesn't feel too much older.
But beware! I'm slightly afraid of what would happen if someone hurt me, because Donny, Hannah, and Emma would be on their trail ready for bloodshed.
I like Big Macs, and A&W Root Beer, and I think I've mentioned Mountain Dew.
I like to climb trees, watch boys, sword fight, watch sword fighting movies, watch funny movies, read, write, many many things.
This is what I want to do when I am older.
I want to marry a man that God has given me, that will love me and not be afraid to show it in front of our children and friends, have children (my number is 14 (I know allot) ) live on a large farm with horses, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and lots of cats and dogs.
I also want to write with my children underfoot getting in my way. I want to be one of the women in one of the few marriages that lasts.
I just want to be a Proverbs 31 woman. If you do not know what that is, pick your Bible up, and turn to the middle, you should find Psalms, after that go till you find Proverbs, then find 31. Go to verse 10 and read till the end. I wanna be like that.
Mom said that I'm best at playing piano, and that someday (in the nearish future) I could make a CD and sell it.
I thought that that sounded pretty cool.
I would love to know about my readers, and have no problem with them commenting... For those of you who are a bit unsure as what I'm saying, I am begging you to comment!
I think I am going to post a few articles on here as well. I might or might not. What I do post I will probably have heard somewhere.
Well, I should be getting off of here, and going on about my other computer business.
If you have read all the way to here, you are now loved by me!
And now, off to other computer stuff, Katie, the hyperly somewhat tired redhead!
I am staying up very late because of a computer game called howrse. There are unicorns, Pegasus, and normal horses and ponies. I have a unicorn, and you can only breed a unicorn with another unicorn at a certain time to have a unicorn. You can also only birth a unicorn, at a certain time. My unicorn has been bred, so I am going to birth her tonight at like 1 somethin'.
Like I said I was bored, so I really have no idea what to put. I could tell you more about myself, things like that if you would like? Of course I can't hear what you're saying while reading this, so you are either screaming "No spare us!" or, "Yes yes more more!"
I have decided that you are screaming YES at the top of your lungs so here goes.
I like to sing along to stuff, and to also sing by myself, even though I freeze up when trying to sing in front of people, and get all shaky, even though I normally do well!
I play the piano, in nearly level three in the Alfred books. I've had two or three years of actual piano lessons, the rest I taught myself, and I'm learning how to do the cords, so I can play out of the big book at my church!
I love my cats, they have been there nearly every time I was depressed and crying, and they let me cry in their fur.
Dogs, not so much, they tried to lick my face, which didn't help too much.
I would play the flute if I had a flute, but alas I own not a flute, nor have the proper means to buy one of my own.
I asked for one at Christmas, but I didn't get one, which made me sad.
I am an only child, although there are three people in my life that I feel are my sisters and brother.
They are, Donny, he's 17, and the best big brother a girl could ask for, Hannah, she's 15 older than me, yet I feel like we're twins, and Emma, she's also 17, and while I feel she's older than me, she doesn't feel too much older.
But beware! I'm slightly afraid of what would happen if someone hurt me, because Donny, Hannah, and Emma would be on their trail ready for bloodshed.
I like Big Macs, and A&W Root Beer, and I think I've mentioned Mountain Dew.
I like to climb trees, watch boys, sword fight, watch sword fighting movies, watch funny movies, read, write, many many things.
This is what I want to do when I am older.
I want to marry a man that God has given me, that will love me and not be afraid to show it in front of our children and friends, have children (my number is 14 (I know allot) ) live on a large farm with horses, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and lots of cats and dogs.
I also want to write with my children underfoot getting in my way. I want to be one of the women in one of the few marriages that lasts.
I just want to be a Proverbs 31 woman. If you do not know what that is, pick your Bible up, and turn to the middle, you should find Psalms, after that go till you find Proverbs, then find 31. Go to verse 10 and read till the end. I wanna be like that.
Mom said that I'm best at playing piano, and that someday (in the nearish future) I could make a CD and sell it.
I thought that that sounded pretty cool.
I would love to know about my readers, and have no problem with them commenting... For those of you who are a bit unsure as what I'm saying, I am begging you to comment!
I think I am going to post a few articles on here as well. I might or might not. What I do post I will probably have heard somewhere.
Well, I should be getting off of here, and going on about my other computer business.
If you have read all the way to here, you are now loved by me!
And now, off to other computer stuff, Katie, the hyperly somewhat tired redhead!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Post the Third
Okay, you have prolly noticed that I am titling them "Post the Second," "Post the Third," "Post the First" right? Well, this should be the last one of those!
This morning I went to the animal shelter, where I helped take care of puppies and kitties. I admit, I didn't do the best I could have, but I was also zonked out of it.
There's the sweetest puppy doggie named Pongo. And then there's another one named Bert, but Bert is an adult. I like them both, even though they are both said to be trouble makers I've never seen it.
There is the most adorable black cat named Jedidiah. I have fallen in love with him. Mom won't let me adopt him.
I can see why, considering we have four dogs and fourteen cats.
The dogs, in order of age, are
Molly (female)
Kai (male)
Beast (male)
Bub (male)
And then the cats, in order of gender,
Kitty of Wonders,
and Tigress.
Our cats are normal indoor cats, and our dogs are all at least part black lab.
I am very happy with the guy I like. He found out I liked him, and didn't tease me, or even say anything about it! And, we're still talking, and thinks we should be friends. Considering I don't think I'm even allowed to date anyone non fictional, or non computer boyfriends, so I'm good with it.
Although, I'm a lil scared to ever meet him again in person, because my face would be so red from me blushing.
However I met him and youth camp, and I'm planing on going back, where he would prolly be. Just like this year. And I think I've seen his mom at Camp Meeting, and so he would probably be there as well.
I will shut up now.
I feel like I have turned into a sweaty blob, who needs ice, ice-cream, watermelon, and many many other yummy things to eat.
I am hungry, and hot.
I have an old blog,
I made my last post when I made this blog, if you want to read my earlier posts go there, and of course I'll keep posting here!
If you want to know more about me, here's some more about me!
I like to read, my favorite color is blue, my hair reaches my butt, I watched Tangled today.
Also, I wear a silver ring with a few diamonds on my ring finger of my right hand, my Bible is a red zip up Bible that I've had since I was about four.
I enjoy blogging, and am also a very very bad procrastinator about some things.
My mom is the best cook in the world. I name my electronics, and here are their names!
Computer: Keith
Cell Phone: Jasper
Home Phone: Mayble
MP3 player: Frodo
Piano: Jake
and Baby Grand Piano: Jaren BGP.
And now, I need to go and so I shall post this thingy mawigy.
Signing off is Katie, the redhead with clothes on, from a town in a state in a country in the world.
This morning I went to the animal shelter, where I helped take care of puppies and kitties. I admit, I didn't do the best I could have, but I was also zonked out of it.
There's the sweetest puppy doggie named Pongo. And then there's another one named Bert, but Bert is an adult. I like them both, even though they are both said to be trouble makers I've never seen it.
There is the most adorable black cat named Jedidiah. I have fallen in love with him. Mom won't let me adopt him.
I can see why, considering we have four dogs and fourteen cats.
The dogs, in order of age, are
Molly (female)
Kai (male)
Beast (male)
Bub (male)
And then the cats, in order of gender,
Kitty of Wonders,
and Tigress.
Our cats are normal indoor cats, and our dogs are all at least part black lab.
I am very happy with the guy I like. He found out I liked him, and didn't tease me, or even say anything about it! And, we're still talking, and thinks we should be friends. Considering I don't think I'm even allowed to date anyone non fictional, or non computer boyfriends, so I'm good with it.
Although, I'm a lil scared to ever meet him again in person, because my face would be so red from me blushing.
However I met him and youth camp, and I'm planing on going back, where he would prolly be. Just like this year. And I think I've seen his mom at Camp Meeting, and so he would probably be there as well.
I will shut up now.
I feel like I have turned into a sweaty blob, who needs ice, ice-cream, watermelon, and many many other yummy things to eat.
I am hungry, and hot.
I have an old blog,
I made my last post when I made this blog, if you want to read my earlier posts go there, and of course I'll keep posting here!
If you want to know more about me, here's some more about me!
I like to read, my favorite color is blue, my hair reaches my butt, I watched Tangled today.
Also, I wear a silver ring with a few diamonds on my ring finger of my right hand, my Bible is a red zip up Bible that I've had since I was about four.
I enjoy blogging, and am also a very very bad procrastinator about some things.
My mom is the best cook in the world. I name my electronics, and here are their names!
Computer: Keith
Cell Phone: Jasper
Home Phone: Mayble
MP3 player: Frodo
Piano: Jake
and Baby Grand Piano: Jaren BGP.
And now, I need to go and so I shall post this thingy mawigy.
Signing off is Katie, the redhead with clothes on, from a town in a state in a country in the world.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Post the Second
Alrighty! Here I am once more! I am going to tell you a lil more about myself now, then more about camp!
I like to think of myself as a Tomboy. I like Chevy trucks, don't care too much for the cars, or Fords that much either... After all Ford means, Found On Road Dead. Or backwards, Drivers Return On Foot...
I normally wear my hair in a ponytail, and normally wear denim skirts, and my shoe clothes, is primarily, boy's sandals, cowboy boots, and one pair of flat church sandals. Well I also have roller blades...
On to camp...
It was hot, however it rained... Tuesday? It really cooled down.
The teen girls dorm (where I stayed) was NOT air conditioned. I was actually okay with that, but I was not okay with feeling like I was gonna pass out in the Softball field.
The speaker at camp was Bro. Avery. And the Teen Life Issues was Joe Stratton. He told us allot about what's going on in our world, and how to deal with it. There was also a funny, yet accurate definition for teenagers.
Did you know that the term "teenager" was first used in 1951? At least I think it was then. Sometime around there. Before that you were either a child or an adult.
And there was a TWELVE YEAR OLD who was the captain of a captured ship, and he was gonna shot the old captain at sight if he came on deck. Drastic huh? Well, the old captain wanted to shoot him, so yeah, I can see where he was coming from.
I hurt my finger with a volleyball hitting it, but I think I set it to Mark, who was able to spike it over... I think...
Someone said he thought I was FIFTEEN! I am only 13, but I think I took it as a compliment. I don't know why I said think, perhaps because I'm strange?
Fun night, was, well, fun...?
We had pop, some of us had pizza, there were games, songs, laughter, skits, and then when Pastor Chad had all the teen girls line up and go to the dorm, the look on his face was SO funny when one of the girls (help I forgot her name!) told him that we didn't have our purses! However, I didn't have a purse, just my Bible. While I own allot of purses, I hardly ever use them. I use backpacks. They hold more. So I can take all my notebooks, and um, other things that I might need.
Well, I THINK that that's all about camp, other than I enjoyed it!
And now about today!
I woke up, and we went to church (I wore my pwetty copper skirt that matches my hair and the one with sparkly butterflies that are also copper!!!)
Had Sunday School, where we talked more about camp!
It was a good day. My Pastor's sister in law, (who is my age) was there, and her dad runs a Bible college, so the college came and sang for us.. I sang along, even though I shouldn't have. We also, had yummy snacks afterward.
And then I went rollerblading (came back REALLY sweaty) and got on the computer when I came home. But, that's 'bout it...
Wanna know more about me?
Okay, well I like Taylor Swift, don't like Justin Bebier, I like nearly all of Taylor's songs.
I like Narnia, books, and movies! My mom says that I have a rather large imagination, and I believe she's right. After all, I seem to imagine all sorts of things. Such as being eaten by a shark... The shark teeth sinking into your skin, the major pain, the agony, as your leg is ripped off by it's sharp teeth, the blood pouring into the ocean, calling other- sorry, I guess it's true. I can also imagine happier things! Such as fairy land! The sparkling blue buildings, the fairies flying around oh so gracefully, with their silver wings catching the golden sun, their hair glittering in the sun as well. The sweet peaceful music coming from fairy harps. The dancing, singing, and happiness, the water fairies diving into the water as their wings turn to beautiful sparkling rainbow fins, and they begin to breath in the water. The boy fairies, and girl fairies getting married, and having baby fairies (yes they can do that).
Ya see?
Perhaps that's why I'm gonna be an author. I have a few stories on this blog,
Well, I should sign out.
By the way, I had mountain dew xD
This is Katie, the girl with a last name, that lives in some place in Kansas, signing off!
I like to think of myself as a Tomboy. I like Chevy trucks, don't care too much for the cars, or Fords that much either... After all Ford means, Found On Road Dead. Or backwards, Drivers Return On Foot...
I normally wear my hair in a ponytail, and normally wear denim skirts, and my shoe clothes, is primarily, boy's sandals, cowboy boots, and one pair of flat church sandals. Well I also have roller blades...
On to camp...
It was hot, however it rained... Tuesday? It really cooled down.
The teen girls dorm (where I stayed) was NOT air conditioned. I was actually okay with that, but I was not okay with feeling like I was gonna pass out in the Softball field.
The speaker at camp was Bro. Avery. And the Teen Life Issues was Joe Stratton. He told us allot about what's going on in our world, and how to deal with it. There was also a funny, yet accurate definition for teenagers.
Did you know that the term "teenager" was first used in 1951? At least I think it was then. Sometime around there. Before that you were either a child or an adult.
And there was a TWELVE YEAR OLD who was the captain of a captured ship, and he was gonna shot the old captain at sight if he came on deck. Drastic huh? Well, the old captain wanted to shoot him, so yeah, I can see where he was coming from.
I hurt my finger with a volleyball hitting it, but I think I set it to Mark, who was able to spike it over... I think...
Someone said he thought I was FIFTEEN! I am only 13, but I think I took it as a compliment. I don't know why I said think, perhaps because I'm strange?
Fun night, was, well, fun...?
We had pop, some of us had pizza, there were games, songs, laughter, skits, and then when Pastor Chad had all the teen girls line up and go to the dorm, the look on his face was SO funny when one of the girls (help I forgot her name!) told him that we didn't have our purses! However, I didn't have a purse, just my Bible. While I own allot of purses, I hardly ever use them. I use backpacks. They hold more. So I can take all my notebooks, and um, other things that I might need.
Well, I THINK that that's all about camp, other than I enjoyed it!
And now about today!
I woke up, and we went to church (I wore my pwetty copper skirt that matches my hair and the one with sparkly butterflies that are also copper!!!)
Had Sunday School, where we talked more about camp!
It was a good day. My Pastor's sister in law, (who is my age) was there, and her dad runs a Bible college, so the college came and sang for us.. I sang along, even though I shouldn't have. We also, had yummy snacks afterward.
And then I went rollerblading (came back REALLY sweaty) and got on the computer when I came home. But, that's 'bout it...
Wanna know more about me?
Okay, well I like Taylor Swift, don't like Justin Bebier, I like nearly all of Taylor's songs.
I like Narnia, books, and movies! My mom says that I have a rather large imagination, and I believe she's right. After all, I seem to imagine all sorts of things. Such as being eaten by a shark... The shark teeth sinking into your skin, the major pain, the agony, as your leg is ripped off by it's sharp teeth, the blood pouring into the ocean, calling other- sorry, I guess it's true. I can also imagine happier things! Such as fairy land! The sparkling blue buildings, the fairies flying around oh so gracefully, with their silver wings catching the golden sun, their hair glittering in the sun as well. The sweet peaceful music coming from fairy harps. The dancing, singing, and happiness, the water fairies diving into the water as their wings turn to beautiful sparkling rainbow fins, and they begin to breath in the water. The boy fairies, and girl fairies getting married, and having baby fairies (yes they can do that).
Ya see?
Perhaps that's why I'm gonna be an author. I have a few stories on this blog,
Well, I should sign out.
By the way, I had mountain dew xD
This is Katie, the girl with a last name, that lives in some place in Kansas, signing off!
Post the First
Hello, my fair readers!
I will give you some info about myself then I will tell you about my week.
I am 13, 5'2'', have red hair blue eyes, and sometimes I have frekles. About my personality... I am normally nice, one of my friends says that I'm sweet and easy to love, but if he knew all the evil plots going through my head he might not say that. I am normally shy and quiet unless I get a good vibe about you, or unless I am hyper, or know you. If I am hyper, get a good vibe, or know you, I will be more talkitive and sometimes discribed as annoying, depending on who you are, or what I'm doin'.
I do have a tendency to depression, and when it hits I tend to either hide it, cry it out, or rant. When I rant I normally write a letter to myself, or if given permission to rant to others, rant at/to them.
When I am hyper I will yell random things, get noisy, giggle for no apparent reason, jump up and down, and sing random, sometimes annoying songs.
I am a Christian, a very hyper, random, teenaged Christian.
And now to tell you about my week.
Starting on Monday I went to Youth Camp. My churches Camp. We got there around 4:00 PM, and got my room situated. I was in the teen girls, very un airconditioned dorm. On the West side.
My mommy hadta leave after getting my room ready, and at 4:30 I went with my friend Karen to supper. It was so good that much I know, even though I forgot what we had.
There was a bunch of dogs running around the camp.
At about 7:30 we went to service, where we found out what team we were on, who our sponsers were, and who our team mates were.
My team was T4T, and my sponsers were Tony and Sheryl (to beware of stalkers I shall try not to mention last names) and my team mates were,
And I think that's all the girls, and now the guys,
and Tyrel.
Yes there were two Katies, and two Marks. We got a kick out of that. At one point I walked up to one of the Marks, and asked, "Mark, where's Katie?!" And as I am named Katie, Mark pointed at me, and said,
"She's right there!"
And another time when Katie needed to talk to one of the Marks we ran up to the other Mark, and said,
"Mark! Where's Mark?!"
He laughed a lil, and said that he didn't know.
Then our team had devotions where we got to know the other peoples around us.
I learned somethings about the people in my team, and forgot somethings about the people in my team.
Mark (the younger one) had been on that team for the past... five years?
Either Katie or Jessica (I forgot which, I think both) said that they liked to sing, and I said, and these are my very words (If I remember correctly)
"My name is Katie _______, I live in ________ KS, and you should never give me mountain dew unless you want me to be hyper."
I had a fun time.
I failed in Volleyball, but hit a few balls in Softball, got to ride in the back of a truck, sing and play piano (at different times) in a talant show, make new friends, and see cute boys.
I was also driven insane by Katie. I think I will tell you a lil more about some of the people we met.
There was a guy from a Bible college named Christian, and I made friends with him, he's 19, another guy we met was um... I think his real name is Luke, yeah, Luke, but for some reason that I'm still not sure of we now call him "FLUFFA!" or "FLUFFY!" Or even on ocasion, "FLUFFE"
And a guy named Darrell that I really don't know but Katie calls him my sharp object friend.
There was a guy from another Bible college that looked an awful lot like Abraham Lincon.
Katie got it into her head to point out all the guys that she saw.
This is what it sounded like, "Look, Katie, there's Tyrel," Or, "Katie, I see, Mark, and Mark is with Mark!" Sometimes, "I found Abe, and look! Your sharp object friend is right behind him!" She would say, "I found Christian, he's right over there!"
"Look it's Fluffy!" "There's the guy we don't even know named Cody!" *poke poke* "There's Brett I see Brett!" "I see Matthew..." She drove me insane. One of the guys she pointed out, her saying his name made me glad I had a sunburn. And no it wasn't Brett, and I'm not saying who it was, I just felt the need to clarify because her poking me was just because she would sometimes pokes and sometimes not. She would laugh when she said the guy I likes name. And Matthew was just a random guy she knew.
When we had Pots and Pans (we would wash the pots and pans as you can tell...) And Katie, Karen and I were singing The HairBrush song, from veggie tales. I would have more to say, but, this is rather long, and so I shall end it here.
Signing out from a certain area in Kansas, is, Katie, the girl with a last name.
I will give you some info about myself then I will tell you about my week.
I am 13, 5'2'', have red hair blue eyes, and sometimes I have frekles. About my personality... I am normally nice, one of my friends says that I'm sweet and easy to love, but if he knew all the evil plots going through my head he might not say that. I am normally shy and quiet unless I get a good vibe about you, or unless I am hyper, or know you. If I am hyper, get a good vibe, or know you, I will be more talkitive and sometimes discribed as annoying, depending on who you are, or what I'm doin'.
I do have a tendency to depression, and when it hits I tend to either hide it, cry it out, or rant. When I rant I normally write a letter to myself, or if given permission to rant to others, rant at/to them.
When I am hyper I will yell random things, get noisy, giggle for no apparent reason, jump up and down, and sing random, sometimes annoying songs.
I am a Christian, a very hyper, random, teenaged Christian.
And now to tell you about my week.
Starting on Monday I went to Youth Camp. My churches Camp. We got there around 4:00 PM, and got my room situated. I was in the teen girls, very un airconditioned dorm. On the West side.
My mommy hadta leave after getting my room ready, and at 4:30 I went with my friend Karen to supper. It was so good that much I know, even though I forgot what we had.
There was a bunch of dogs running around the camp.
At about 7:30 we went to service, where we found out what team we were on, who our sponsers were, and who our team mates were.
My team was T4T, and my sponsers were Tony and Sheryl (to beware of stalkers I shall try not to mention last names) and my team mates were,
And I think that's all the girls, and now the guys,
and Tyrel.
Yes there were two Katies, and two Marks. We got a kick out of that. At one point I walked up to one of the Marks, and asked, "Mark, where's Katie?!" And as I am named Katie, Mark pointed at me, and said,
"She's right there!"
And another time when Katie needed to talk to one of the Marks we ran up to the other Mark, and said,
"Mark! Where's Mark?!"
He laughed a lil, and said that he didn't know.
Then our team had devotions where we got to know the other peoples around us.
I learned somethings about the people in my team, and forgot somethings about the people in my team.
Mark (the younger one) had been on that team for the past... five years?
Either Katie or Jessica (I forgot which, I think both) said that they liked to sing, and I said, and these are my very words (If I remember correctly)
"My name is Katie _______, I live in ________ KS, and you should never give me mountain dew unless you want me to be hyper."
I had a fun time.
I failed in Volleyball, but hit a few balls in Softball, got to ride in the back of a truck, sing and play piano (at different times) in a talant show, make new friends, and see cute boys.
I was also driven insane by Katie. I think I will tell you a lil more about some of the people we met.
There was a guy from a Bible college named Christian, and I made friends with him, he's 19, another guy we met was um... I think his real name is Luke, yeah, Luke, but for some reason that I'm still not sure of we now call him "FLUFFA!" or "FLUFFY!" Or even on ocasion, "FLUFFE"
And a guy named Darrell that I really don't know but Katie calls him my sharp object friend.
There was a guy from another Bible college that looked an awful lot like Abraham Lincon.
Katie got it into her head to point out all the guys that she saw.
This is what it sounded like, "Look, Katie, there's Tyrel," Or, "Katie, I see, Mark, and Mark is with Mark!" Sometimes, "I found Abe, and look! Your sharp object friend is right behind him!" She would say, "I found Christian, he's right over there!"
"Look it's Fluffy!" "There's the guy we don't even know named Cody!" *poke poke* "There's Brett I see Brett!" "I see Matthew..." She drove me insane. One of the guys she pointed out, her saying his name made me glad I had a sunburn. And no it wasn't Brett, and I'm not saying who it was, I just felt the need to clarify because her poking me was just because she would sometimes pokes and sometimes not. She would laugh when she said the guy I likes name. And Matthew was just a random guy she knew.
When we had Pots and Pans (we would wash the pots and pans as you can tell...) And Katie, Karen and I were singing The HairBrush song, from veggie tales. I would have more to say, but, this is rather long, and so I shall end it here.
Signing out from a certain area in Kansas, is, Katie, the girl with a last name.
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