However I named the filly, (it was a cute little girl!) Perhaps There's Hope. Nice name huh?
I've taken to naming my horses things like that.
There's Abandoned Heart, Show Me Love, Wish For Innocence, and I think that's all for now, but I AM going to continue to breed my horses. However I really need to sell a few.
So I should really go to bed, it is 1:39 AM, and it will be later when I get this all wound up. But I really wanna stay up and listen to my Taylor Swift music. I love her music.
I think I should name some of my horses after her songs.
Sadly I have no horses of my own in real life. I LOVE horses though. They are so beautiful!
Here, if this will work, I think I have a picture of a horse that I took.

Did it work? I think it worked.
Here's another picture I took

I think that they're working, but I really need to go to bed before my eyeballs fal out, so, goodnight, well, rather good morning, because it's 1:50 AM, so,
Type at all you my dear readers sometime later!
This is Katie, the girl with the invisible elephant, signing off and going to zzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Oh, Katie, you're a nutbar. <3