Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can You Homeschool Legaly?

I have discovered that it is very very fun to have riddling contests. I don't think that the best part is being ahead, but trying to figure the riddles out, and find more riddles to give to your opponent!
I also think it's fun to have guy friends. If I wasn't so shy around them, I think I would have more. I do have a few though, and one of them I am having a riddling contest with!
Here's a few riddles for you to solve, I will answer them either at the end of this post, or in the next one.

1. What belongs to you, but is used by others the most?

2. The more you take from me the bigger I get, what am I?

3.Alive without breath, cold as death, never thirsting, ever drinking, garbed in armor never clinking, what am I?

4. I have one eye that cannot blink. I can fix man cloth and animal, what am I?

That's all the riddles for now.
Think about them while I continue my tirade.
There's a really good song, called the homeschool song, it goes to the tune of "The Twelve Days Of Christmas," and here's the first verse, I will post a verse with every post I post while posting a post... I just lost myself, but oh well!
Here's the first verse...
"On the first day of Homeschool, my neighbor said to me, "Can you homeschool legally?""
There are thirteen verses in all.
I met a girl named Bridget at camp, and I taught it to her. We also did a Congo line, and we sang it while doing the Congo line. It was fun!
It drove my other friend Katie crazy.
And here's another song that we sang at camp, it is a veggie tales song, and you should look it up on YouTube! It's called the hairbrush song.
When we hit the high note our sponsors wife howled, and Mark sprayed her with the sprayer in the kitchen. I think I already said that.
Sittin' here listening to "Never Grow Up" having a rather odd Internet chase with my "brother", having a riddling contest with my other friend, drinking milk, and blogging is rather fun.
NO GO BACK TO NEVER GROW UP! There that's better... Yes play it loud and sing along. Good, that's good. Calm down Katie...
I stepped on a kitty earlier, and I huwt his paw, I was sad, but the kitty is okay now!
Well, I am getting ready to work on an original, and then, I am going to look up more riddles, play my computer games, then, take a shower, and go to bed.
So I am going to leave you here with four answers to four riddles

1. Your name silly!

2. A whole in the ground!

3. A fish! (don't be upset if you didn't get it, I thought it was a sea serpent)

4. A needle!

And now, signing off from some planet in outer space, KATIE THE MARPIAN!

1 comment:

  1. I believe I told you #1
    I would have answered #2 with a spoiled brat.
    Please tell us you know the origin of #3, precious
    #4 took me a second


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