Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hello World, This is Me!

Well, that song is the theme song from a TV show called The Saddle Club.  Good TV show.
I MIGHT GET A HORSE SOON!  I'm super duper excited!
That's all.  Goodbye.
~Katie :)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

In Other News....

In other news aside from my long post about what I was the birthday of one of my bestest friends.  Yes, I said bestest.  I've said stranger things, and I'll probably say even stranger things.  He turned sixteen, and I managed to get him embarrassed at school!  I was super happy about that.
See, we have a principal, and he has a wife, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays she comes over, and is the chapel speaker.  Well, I told her that it was his birthday, and that she should royally embarrass him.  Sadly, she doesn't know him well...she thought that he would be hard to contrair.  He's easy to embarrass.  Especially with things like that.
ANYWAY...we've been studying the spiritual gifts in her chapel lessons, and so she went through a bunch of people that everyone at school knows, then she called him up there, and oooooh...his face!  He was so embarrassed!  And then a senior girl decided she knew him better than offense to her...but seriously, she said, "Aww, he's just so quiet!"  And I go, "Quiet?  Quiet?  Uh huh...  He's not quiet!"  "Yeah he is!"  I shake my head even thinking about it.  Quiet.  Honestly.  No one knows him well if they think he's quiet.  Maybe he's quiet in chapel...but here's a newsflash--YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE QUIET IN CHAPEL.  And maybe he's quiet in a lot of his classes.  But, you have to remember, those teachers are the less lenient.  Get to Brother Todd's have me sometimes wishing he WAS quiet.  I mean, the talking is fine...but some of the stuff that guy says....  If I had a dollar for every "woman," or "red-head," joke, or saying he said...I would be a very rich woman.  By woman, and red-head jokes, or sayings, I'm meaning things like, "Brother Todd, this is a defective woman, we need to send her back to the factory!"  or... "why are you such a red-head?"  or... "Woman, get back to the kitchen, I need a sandwich!"  Or, "Wow, when you get mad your, it's like flames.  Are you okay?"  Or, "Quit being such a woman!"
Of course, I always have comebacks.
Here's how they go:
Him: Brother Todd, this is a defective woman, we need to send her back to the factory!
Me: Punch, or glare, or both
Him: Why are you such a red-head?
Me:  Oh, I don't know, I was born like this?
Him: Woman, get back to the kitchen, I need a sandwich!
Me:  You know, women can be other places than just the kitchen.... *punch*
Him: Wow, when you get mad, your's like flames...are you okay?
Me: *glare*
Him: Quit being such a woman!
Me: I can't help it!  I am a woman!
Him: Katie, could you be a woman and do this for me?
Me: No!  Be a man and do it yourself.
....Yet he's my best friend.  *shakes head in disappointment at self*
So, I thought letting y'all know that would be nice.
NOW!  In other, other news....
I have been introduced to a wonderfully new fandom.  New to me anyway.  It involves doctors.  No, it's not Scrubs.  Or Grey's Anatomy.  Or General Hospital.  Do you guys give up?  No, it isn't House.  Stop guessing now.  It's Doctor Who!  And it is so wonderfully addicting, and I love it, and I miss the ninth doctor, and I miss Rose, and Donna disappeared, and I love the Doctor oh so much, and I miss him so very badly.  And I'm shutting up now, so that it looks like I went to bed at a semi reasonable time.
~Katie :)

What I Want....

                You know….I don’t want a boyfriend.  I don’t want a guy that I’ll cuddle with late into the night, and make out with when my family isn’t around.  I don’t want a guy who feels obligated to get me something just because, “It’s our 6 month anniversary!”  I don’t want a guy who will tickle me until I scream and kick at him, and I end up laughing my head off.  I don’t even think I want a guy who kisses me sweetly on the cheek, or the nose, or calls me his sweetie pie.
                I’ve been putting some thought into it.  And you know…that really isn’t what I want at all.  Please, note I said nothing about hugs.
                Here’s what I want:  A guy who will be my best friend, and put up with all the crap I do.  Yes, I said the C word.  Deal with it.  I want a guy who will hug me when he sees me, and does everything he can to make sure I’m still happy and smiling.  A guy who never stops making me laugh and smile and stuff, just because we go on these things called dates.
                DUDE!  I’m not even sure I want dates.  Sure, hang out a time or two…but maybe not even date.  Maybe hang out a lot actually…but not really dates.  They can get awkward.
                I want a guy who will be my best friend forever, give me rides in his truck when I’m only a block away from my destination because of how cold it is, and always makes me laugh…even if we never date.
                Maybe, I don’t want to even date at all!  MAYBE, I want to just go from being best friends with the guy, to being engaged to the guy.  Is that so strange and impossible?  Why get into a “relationship” at all?  All those do is ruin friendships.  Normally anyway.  I mean, honestly…I was friends with all of exes before they became my boyfriends…and then we broke up, and weren’t friends anymore.  In fact, some of them and I have strong enmity.  For those of you who may or may not know, enmity is hatred.  Besides, aren’t you supposed to marry your best friend, not your boyfriend?  I’ve always heard that you’re supposed to marry your best friend.  Unless of course your best friend is a girl….  Pretty sure that that only applies to if your best friend is a boy.
                And, maybe if we do date…maybe I want him to be willing to wait, for whatever reason, and is perfectly willing to have a talk or two with my big, strong, buff uncles, who were both in the army, and have guns, in addition to my big, strong, buff grandpa, who was also in the army…and who I’m not sure if has guns or not….BUT HE HAS KITCHEN KNIVES!!!  And pepperjack cheese ^_^  But the point is, maybe I want him to be patient, and brave.  Honestly, as unscary as my uncles are…they’re scary.  But awesome.
                And, whether we date or not, I want him to kind of…ya know, integrate himself into my family.  Come over on random Sundays after church, maybe pop by on Thanksgiving if he’s not too busy, play a few games, make a few memories, teasingly make fun of my grandma’s rat-on-steroids/Chihuahua.  I want a guy who will let me talk about just about anything, and give me good advice, and well, basically be my best friend.
                I think that that would be pretty freakishly awesome.  Of course, it’s always a plus if he’s cute.  And he has to be taller than me, and be able to make me laugh, and be willing to go to church with me, and stuff like that.  Those three are musts.  OH!  And I just find it absolutely adorable when guys play with their little brothers and sisters, and are good with kids.  It’s just sooo adorable, and I have no idea why, but it is.  I just love it.
                But yeah…that’s my wonderful little rant-ish thing for the night.
~Katie :)