Tuesday, September 24, 2013

So...How ya Doin'?

Okay, you're getting sick of me talking about exercising probably, but I have found this lovely youtube person who I like, because she's so supportive of the people watching the videos, and she encourages them along the way, and tells them things like, "Good job!"  And "You've got it!"  As well as reminding them, "Keep your back straight," and stuff like that.  And she's not super quiet either.
Awesome Lady  < that's her.
Well, I just mostly wanted to say that she was awesome.
Oh, wait, no, I got a good grade on my horrid paper, even though I felt like I'd done horrible.  I sure didn't do it during the time when I was supposed to.  I did it the night before it was due.  And yes, I hated it with a burning passion.  I hate papers and stuff like that.  Because you don't get an option, and I don't always care about the stuff she tells me to do my paper on.
~Katie :)

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