Hey people!
Okay, so I clicked on "New Post" and guess what?? MY POSTY THING IS ALL WEIRD NOW!
That means that it looks different.
Okay if you people ever see a book called, "The Unnamed Legend" I wrote that! I hope you guys like it, but I'm always like paranoid that someone would steal my story, and change all the names and that I will get in trouble for doing stealing, when they actually stole.
And now for a random question. . . *drum roll* If you write books, do you prefer to be called an author, or a writer? Me I prefer Author. Writer just grates on my nerves, much like being called Ms. I just do not like being called Ms. It gives me a mental image of a cross between Lady Gaga, and a vampire. And I don't like either one of those.
Okay, and you guys wanna know something fun, and awesome?
I'M GOING TO SILVER DOLLAR CITY SOMETIME IN THE NEAR FUTURE! It's the most amazing place I have ever been. Here's the link to their website!
And the best part of all I might get to take one of my best gal pals. She's awesome! Her name is Karen, and we both like to talk about boys. *sighs happily thinking about a certain boy*
*jumps out of her daydreaming* I WAS NOT JUST THINKING ABOUT SOMEONE! I AM A BIG FAT LIAR!
Okay, now I just need to change the topic.
So, yesterday was kinda busy. I went to piano lessons, and got the most amazing piano book! It has How Great is Our God-Chris Tomlin in it! AND I'M LEARNING HOW TO PLAY IT!
I have a lot of piano books, one of which I'm almost through with.
Well, I'm done here for now.
Signing out from a remote bed, in a remote room, in a remote house, in a remote town, in a remote, okay shutting up now, I'm just signing out.
Hello, my name is Katie. I'm a fairly freethinking writer and a bit of a nerd...or geek...not as hyper as when this blog was originally made, but enjoy it anyway.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Greetings Earthlings
Hey y'all, sup?
I'm trying to get back into the whole posting on my blog groove. Not sure how long it'll last though xD
Today was a Pitt State competition thingy, and I went to it to play piano. I'm not sure how well I did considering my hands were doing their whole "I'm nervous you can't make me hold still long enough to hit the right notes" thing.
I'll start at the beginning of the day. Mom woke me up, and I'm not sure what time she woke me up cause my clock hasn't been set since the last electricity blink, so at the moment even though it's 3:22 my clock is blinking 8:16. I only know the right time because of the little clocky thingy in the far low right hand corner of my computer.
After that I told her "Momma, my throat's sore :( " and she gave me a spearmint candy while I tried to figure out what to wear. Yeah you'd think that for a competition I would have my outfit picked out weeks in advance. Actually, I'd forgotten all about it till. . . Sometime earlier this week. Which is actually better because if I remember about it I stress about it to the point where I feel sick.
I ended up wearing a long pretty red skirt, with a light brown shirt. And put my hair into a side ponytail. I'm a ponytail girl. They insisted I wear shoes, so I wore my blue socks, and grey shoes. They also wouldn't let me wear my funky socks!
Then I ran through every song except the one I played for competition while waiting for Grammy and Grampy to come and get Mom and me so we could pick up Ronda, and go to Pittsburg. Yes I spelled it correctly, this is the one in Kansas, not the one in PA.
I ended up eating a pickle too, while waiting, but Mom wouldn't let me eat another one.
Finally they arrived (they being the afore mentioned relatives) and I rode behind Papa, and Mom rode behind Grammy.
Then we got Ronda, and we had a fun car ride to Pitt State, where we got donuts, and I told Mom to never send me there because it was too big.
Then we went to the room we were to be playing in, and I was the last one who played anything, and I played Black Forest Polka from the Alfred Lesson Book level four, of course I really don't get the title, it makes no sense.
Mom said that she thought she saw the lady judge write down a one, but that she probably shouldn't have told me. One is the highest you can get by the way. I'll find out for sure tomorrow. In the meantime I'm waiting to see, because I think I messed up enough times to have possibly gotten as low as a three. Of course I'm HOPING for a one or a two.
After all that we ate at Cafe Del Rio, and that jingle is stuck in my head! They have pretty good food there, but I don't know if it's like Grammy and Grampy say, and better than the other good Mexican restaurant who's name I can't figure out how to spell.
Then we went to the mall, and because we had no money (we spent it all on food) we window shopped, and then we went into a clothing shop where there was lots of awesome looking clothes. Oh help. I'm turning into a typical teen girl! Well except for being crazy over Taylor Lautner (who isn't that cute, let alone hot)
After that we came home, and I am now typing this out, having a chat message with my big brother, and video chatting with an awesome guy.
Signing out from somewhere,
I'm trying to get back into the whole posting on my blog groove. Not sure how long it'll last though xD
Today was a Pitt State competition thingy, and I went to it to play piano. I'm not sure how well I did considering my hands were doing their whole "I'm nervous you can't make me hold still long enough to hit the right notes" thing.
I'll start at the beginning of the day. Mom woke me up, and I'm not sure what time she woke me up cause my clock hasn't been set since the last electricity blink, so at the moment even though it's 3:22 my clock is blinking 8:16. I only know the right time because of the little clocky thingy in the far low right hand corner of my computer.
After that I told her "Momma, my throat's sore :( " and she gave me a spearmint candy while I tried to figure out what to wear. Yeah you'd think that for a competition I would have my outfit picked out weeks in advance. Actually, I'd forgotten all about it till. . . Sometime earlier this week. Which is actually better because if I remember about it I stress about it to the point where I feel sick.
I ended up wearing a long pretty red skirt, with a light brown shirt. And put my hair into a side ponytail. I'm a ponytail girl. They insisted I wear shoes, so I wore my blue socks, and grey shoes. They also wouldn't let me wear my funky socks!
Then I ran through every song except the one I played for competition while waiting for Grammy and Grampy to come and get Mom and me so we could pick up Ronda, and go to Pittsburg. Yes I spelled it correctly, this is the one in Kansas, not the one in PA.
I ended up eating a pickle too, while waiting, but Mom wouldn't let me eat another one.
Finally they arrived (they being the afore mentioned relatives) and I rode behind Papa, and Mom rode behind Grammy.
Then we got Ronda, and we had a fun car ride to Pitt State, where we got donuts, and I told Mom to never send me there because it was too big.
Then we went to the room we were to be playing in, and I was the last one who played anything, and I played Black Forest Polka from the Alfred Lesson Book level four, of course I really don't get the title, it makes no sense.
Mom said that she thought she saw the lady judge write down a one, but that she probably shouldn't have told me. One is the highest you can get by the way. I'll find out for sure tomorrow. In the meantime I'm waiting to see, because I think I messed up enough times to have possibly gotten as low as a three. Of course I'm HOPING for a one or a two.
After all that we ate at Cafe Del Rio, and that jingle is stuck in my head! They have pretty good food there, but I don't know if it's like Grammy and Grampy say, and better than the other good Mexican restaurant who's name I can't figure out how to spell.
Then we went to the mall, and because we had no money (we spent it all on food) we window shopped, and then we went into a clothing shop where there was lots of awesome looking clothes. Oh help. I'm turning into a typical teen girl! Well except for being crazy over Taylor Lautner (who isn't that cute, let alone hot)
After that we came home, and I am now typing this out, having a chat message with my big brother, and video chatting with an awesome guy.
Signing out from somewhere,
Friday, April 20, 2012
Out of This World Pizza
My post has nothing to do with pizza, out of this world or not, but I've decided to post some random pictures of random stuff here.

I found out that I could take a picture of my shadow, so I did that twice, and this is my fave of the shadow pictures.

And here's a road, with a car, a stopsign, and a puddle.
And I'm done here.
I found out that I could take a picture of my shadow, so I did that twice, and this is my fave of the shadow pictures.
And here's a road, with a car, a stopsign, and a puddle.
And I'm done here.
Goodnight. I'm so tired, I can no longer foucus. Foruc. Cocus. Focus. Finally got it right.
Night, ngiht sleep right dno t let the beg dubs bite, and fi they do squsih them like busd.
See how I tytpe when I'm too tired to thinkgs straing? I meiant night night seeo tirght don't let the bug beds bite. And if they do qiuish them like bugs.,
Night night sleep tight, don't let e bed bugs bite, and if they do squish them like bugfs. Bgs. Bugs.
She how I hyper when I'm too tired to thinks straight? See hwo I tyep when I'm too tired to thinks thist. See how I type when I'm too tired to think straingt. Striag. Streath. Streaith. Straight.
His could pose a provnelm. This could psoe a problem. This coud pose a problem. This could pose a problem.
Gahhh! I like computer cange s. I like compuer cameg. I like computer games. See Tyler, this is why you should make me go to neg when you do. Bed.
Btu you don't caus I won'd tlet you. But you don't cause I won't let you.
I'm so tired I'm moaning liek, someone monqna. I'm so tired I;m mouanig like someone knwon. I'm so tured I'm mownagi like someone moaning. I'm so tired I'm moaning like someone moaning. There, I gfianlly got that wont right. There, I finally got that one right.
Will I find this stupi din the moring? Will I gues this tupid it the morning? Will I find the s tupir in the mornign? Will I find this stupid in the mornign. Mornign. Mornign. Morning.
Oh who case. Cares. night nuts. I'm off like I should hae been hours ago. Have.
Nighty night. Sleep tkgit don't let the bed ugs iet. Sleep tight don't let the bedged bugs lnignr. Bed mugds ur. Bed mhs bit. Bed bugs bute. Bite.
Signing off from a bed witha pillow with a blacketn that befs be to use it, this i sKatiew
Marrrrrrryyyy CHristmas. An a yahjppy new yeah.
Night, ngiht sleep right dno t let the beg dubs bite, and fi they do squsih them like busd.
See how I tytpe when I'm too tired to thinkgs straing? I meiant night night seeo tirght don't let the bug beds bite. And if they do qiuish them like bugs.,
Night night sleep tight, don't let e bed bugs bite, and if they do squish them like bugfs. Bgs. Bugs.
She how I hyper when I'm too tired to thinks straight? See hwo I tyep when I'm too tired to thinks thist. See how I type when I'm too tired to think straingt. Striag. Streath. Streaith. Straight.
His could pose a provnelm. This could psoe a problem. This coud pose a problem. This could pose a problem.
Gahhh! I like computer cange s. I like compuer cameg. I like computer games. See Tyler, this is why you should make me go to neg when you do. Bed.
Btu you don't caus I won'd tlet you. But you don't cause I won't let you.
I'm so tired I'm moaning liek, someone monqna. I'm so tired I;m mouanig like someone knwon. I'm so tured I'm mownagi like someone moaning. I'm so tired I'm moaning like someone moaning. There, I gfianlly got that wont right. There, I finally got that one right.
Will I find this stupi din the moring? Will I gues this tupid it the morning? Will I find the s tupir in the mornign? Will I find this stupid in the mornign. Mornign. Mornign. Morning.
Oh who case. Cares. night nuts. I'm off like I should hae been hours ago. Have.
Nighty night. Sleep tkgit don't let the bed ugs iet. Sleep tight don't let the bedged bugs lnignr. Bed mugds ur. Bed mhs bit. Bed bugs bute. Bite.
Signing off from a bed witha pillow with a blacketn that befs be to use it, this i sKatiew
Marrrrrrryyyy CHristmas. An a yahjppy new yeah.
On the First Day of Insomnia My Penguin Gave to Meeeeeeee
Guess what?? On the first day of insomnia my penguin gave me a pickle! I guess, that's the only thing I can think of.
Well, here I do so hope this will work, here's my latest facebook status:
I should be in bed sleeping. But I'm not because I'm writing, and I'm on CometBird because I was looking up Legal Drugs, and I was looking up legal drugs because I need to know if there's some sort of legal drug that whats his face in my book could be taking to tell his girlfriend that he only took legal drugs. Why does he take drugs legal or not? Cause he's a bad boy. And I mean a bad boy. I don't even like him! He's just. . . Bad!
And why am I writing another story? Because the idea popped into my head and wouldn't pop out, and I thought I'd better write it all out before I forgot.
Who thinks I should try to write a whachimicallit? Science Fiction?
See, I'm too tired to be up.
G'night. For now. I'll bug you again tomorrow. Oh wait, it is tomorrow!
Hmm, this sounds like a Katie's Hyper Thoughts post! I gotta post it!
Or should I not?
I mean, it's a facebook post, and I haven't been on KHT for a while. OH MY GOODNESS! KHT! Katie Hearts (someone who's name starts with a T, and no not the guy I liked at youth camp, even though his name does start with a T, and has the exact same letters all jumbled up.
I know that these two people are different because, well, because I'm too tired to not know?
Okay, knocking my sorry butt off facebook now.
Night night crazy people who are up as late as me. You know, I wouldn't be aimlessly posting stuff if people who are an hour ahead of me didn't get tired and go to bed 35 minutes after they first told me they were going to bed.
Oh well, they need sleep too :/
Alright there's that, and also, did you know that all the cool people are a whole time zone ahead of me? My family doesn't count, cause there's no one cooler than them. I think they hang out in freezers or something. So if you're not a whole time zone ahead of me, and are cool, I really don't think I've met you.
There are a few exemptions though. Like Jade, and Kayden, so yeah. And somewhat Hannah although her and I aren't on the same page much anymore.
Well, there's my hyper thought!
Wait, one more. . .
Guess what?? On the first day of insomnia my penguin gave me a pickle! I guess, that's the only thing I can think of.
Well, here I do so hope this will work, here's my latest facebook status:
I should be in bed sleeping. But I'm not because I'm writing, and I'm on CometBird because I was looking up Legal Drugs, and I was looking up legal drugs because I need to know if there's some sort of legal drug that whats his face in my book could be taking to tell his girlfriend that he only took legal drugs. Why does he take drugs legal or not? Cause he's a bad boy. And I mean a bad boy. I don't even like him! He's just. . . Bad!
And why am I writing another story? Because the idea popped into my head and wouldn't pop out, and I thought I'd better write it all out before I forgot.
Who thinks I should try to write a whachimicallit? Science Fiction?
See, I'm too tired to be up.
G'night. For now. I'll bug you again tomorrow. Oh wait, it is tomorrow!
Hmm, this sounds like a Katie's Hyper Thoughts post! I gotta post it!
Or should I not?
I mean, it's a facebook post, and I haven't been on KHT for a while. OH MY GOODNESS! KHT! Katie Hearts (someone who's name starts with a T, and no not the guy I liked at youth camp, even though his name does start with a T, and has the exact same letters all jumbled up.
I know that these two people are different because, well, because I'm too tired to not know?
Okay, knocking my sorry butt off facebook now.
Night night crazy people who are up as late as me. You know, I wouldn't be aimlessly posting stuff if people who are an hour ahead of me didn't get tired and go to bed 35 minutes after they first told me they were going to bed.
Oh well, they need sleep too :/
Alright there's that, and also, did you know that all the cool people are a whole time zone ahead of me? My family doesn't count, cause there's no one cooler than them. I think they hang out in freezers or something. So if you're not a whole time zone ahead of me, and are cool, I really don't think I've met you.
There are a few exemptions though. Like Jade, and Kayden, so yeah. And somewhat Hannah although her and I aren't on the same page much anymore.
Well, there's my hyper thought!
Wait, one more. . .
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