Goodnight. I'm so tired, I can no longer foucus. Foruc. Cocus. Focus. Finally got it right.
Night, ngiht sleep right dno t let the beg dubs bite, and fi they do squsih them like busd.
See how I tytpe when I'm too tired to thinkgs straing? I meiant night night seeo tirght don't let the bug beds bite. And if they do qiuish them like bugs.,
Night night sleep tight, don't let e bed bugs bite, and if they do squish them like bugfs. Bgs. Bugs.
She how I hyper when I'm too tired to thinks straight? See hwo I tyep when I'm too tired to thinks thist. See how I type when I'm too tired to think straingt. Striag. Streath. Streaith. Straight.
His could pose a provnelm. This could psoe a problem. This coud pose a problem. This could pose a problem.
Gahhh! I like computer cange s. I like compuer cameg. I like computer games. See Tyler, this is why you should make me go to neg when you do. Bed.
Btu you don't caus I won'd tlet you. But you don't cause I won't let you.
I'm so tired I'm moaning liek, someone monqna. I'm so tired I;m mouanig like someone knwon. I'm so tured I'm mownagi like someone moaning. I'm so tired I'm moaning like someone moaning. There, I gfianlly got that wont right. There, I finally got that one right.
Will I find this stupi din the moring? Will I gues this tupid it the morning? Will I find the s tupir in the mornign? Will I find this stupid in the mornign. Mornign. Mornign. Morning.
Oh who case. Cares. night nuts. I'm off like I should hae been hours ago. Have.
Nighty night. Sleep tkgit don't let the bed ugs iet. Sleep tight don't let the bedged bugs lnignr. Bed mugds ur. Bed mhs bit. Bed bugs bute. Bite.
Signing off from a bed witha pillow with a blacketn that befs be to use it, this i sKatiew
Marrrrrrryyyy CHristmas. An a yahjppy new yeah.
Oh gosh this is crazy. XD