Friday, April 20, 2012

On the First Day of Insomnia My Penguin Gave to Meeeeeeee

Guess what?? On the first day of insomnia my penguin gave me a pickle! I guess, that's the only thing I can think of.
Well, here I do so hope this will work, here's my latest facebook status:

I should be in bed sleeping. But I'm not because I'm writing, and I'm on CometBird because I was looking up Legal Drugs, and I was looking up legal drugs because I need to know if there's some sort of legal drug that whats his face in my book could be taking to tell his girlfriend that he only took legal drugs. Why does he take drugs legal or not? Cause he's a bad boy. And I mean a bad boy. I don't even like him! He's just. . . Bad!
And why am I writing another story? Because the idea popped into my head and wouldn't pop out, and I thought I'd better write it all out before I forgot.
Who thinks I should try to write a whachimicallit? Science Fiction?
See, I'm too tired to be up.
G'night. For now. I'll bug you again tomorrow. Oh wait, it is tomorrow!
Hmm, this sounds like a Katie's Hyper Thoughts post! I gotta post it!
Or should I not?
I mean, it's a facebook post, and I haven't been on KHT for a while. OH MY GOODNESS! KHT! Katie Hearts (someone who's name starts with a T, and no not the guy I liked at youth camp, even though his name does start with a T, and has the exact same letters all jumbled up.
I know that these two people are different because, well, because I'm too tired to not know?
Okay, knocking my sorry butt off facebook now.
Night night crazy people who are up as late as me. You know, I wouldn't be aimlessly posting stuff if people who are an hour ahead of me didn't get tired and go to bed 35 minutes after they first told me they were going to bed.
Oh well, they need sleep too :/

Alright there's that, and also, did you know that all the cool people are a whole time zone ahead of me? My family doesn't count, cause there's no one cooler than them. I think they hang out in freezers or something. So if you're not a whole time zone ahead of me, and are cool, I really don't think I've met you.
There are a few exemptions though. Like Jade, and Kayden, so yeah. And somewhat Hannah although her and I aren't on the same page much anymore.
Well, there's my hyper thought!
Wait, one more. . .

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