Saturday, October 24, 2015


People have many freedoms in America.  I believe Miss Montgomery was talking about that in Geography last year...and one of the things she said is "You do not have the freedom to not be offended.".  And that makes a lot of sense.  After all, the freedom of speech cannot co-exist with the freedom to not be offended.
I can say whatever I want.  I could call someone ugly and that would be perfectly aligned with my freedom of speech.  Of course, it would most likely offend that person.  *I* am offended when I read people talking about how abortions are "okay" because I don't believe that way.  Guess what, it's their right.  They have the right to their own opinions and feelings and I have the right to my own opinions and feelings.
If someone has a blog or a radio show or a book and they put their opinions and feelings into it, SOMEONE, somewhere, will get offended.  There is a perfectly good solution to that...just don't read it.  Don't watch it.  Don't listen to it.  Of course, if you don't like it, you also have the freedom of speech to tell them you don't like it and that it hurts your feelings.  Does that mean they'll stop?  If it's a personal blog or book or something like that, probably not.  Because THEY have the right to put THEIR opinions and feelings out there, regardless of whether it offends you or not.  And while that can sometimes wind up with hurt feelings...that is a wonderful thing to be able to do.  Put your feelings and opinions out there freely....


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