Sunday, March 1, 2015

I Shouldn't Be Up So Late....

I should not be up so late, but it gets my juices flowing and has made me think.  (This was started last night/this morning around 1, 2, or 3)  Chances are, I've already posted this at least once, but here it goes again.  It confuses me so much sometimes, how people can come into your life and then leave your life....I have two example I will use one of a group of friends I know in real life and one of a group of people I have never met in person, but have gotten to the point I consider them my friends.
Starting with the people I know in real life.  When I was eleven, I made friends with a girl named Christa and I called her my best friend and she called me her best friend.  But she was also a compulsive liar who made up stories.  I don't understand why people think they need to make up stories to be liked.  I mean, even if people like you because of the stories you tell, they don't really like you, they like the you that you've made up.  One week I just decided that I was going to see if she really did care about our friendship and I just waited for her to come over.  She never did and our friendship just...ended.  Looking back, I really could have handled that better.  Also looking in the world were 11-12 year olds so perverted?!  I'm including her group of friends that I was involved in in this friend category.
Okay, I lied, there's going to be two groups of friends I know in real life.  This one really hurts me, because I know I really screwed up in part of this.  Shortly after my friendship with Christa ended, I made friends with a girl named Emily and shortly after that, we both made friends with Kayden.  I mentioned them a lot in the blog I had before this one: The Heartbeat of the Mission I didn't know how to spell back then....  Anyway, I have trouble balancing hanging out with two friends at once.  At least I did.  I think I've gotten better at it.  Actually, no, I haven't gotten better at it, I've just become a recluse, but that's beside the point.  As I was saying, I wound up hanging out with Kayden more than Emily of course, that was also partially because I had a crush on him at the time, but that's beside the point, because I probably would have wound up hanging out with him more anyway.  There have been times that I've wanted to tell her I'm sorry for that, but I don't know how.  So, Emily, if you're reading this, I'm so sorry.  By the way, Amanda in The Unnamed Legend was partially based off of you.  And now, I barely speak to either Kayden or Emily.  We've just drifted apart.  However, Kayden and Emily are still a way.  They're actually a couple.  Take a moment to say "awww."
Now to my friends I've never met in real life.  *sigh*  This is going to be a lonnnnnng blog post.  TO those of you who have read this far, thank you so much, that really does mean a lot to me.  When I was 12/13, I entered into the world of Facebook,, and Howrse.  I met AceTrace/Impossible Insomniac/Hannah, on, same with a girl named Emma.  They were friends with a girl named Joy and one day, I was added to a group message on Facebook (back when they had messages and not just chat and the chat was deleted shortly after you closed the chat box...a long time ago) with Hannah, Emma and Joy.  We were quickly almost inseparable friends.  We wrote each other into stories, we talked to each other all day...yeah....  Hannah had a boyfriend named Donny, whom she loved.  Or at least said she loved.  Obviously she didn't, as she had a boyfriend named Donny.  Anyway, they broke up twice and during one of these times, Joy was being especially insensitive, and well...she called me the B word, I told her I wasn't going to be friends with her and well, that ended that.
But, back to Donny and Hannah....  I had called them brother and sister and when they broke up, I felt like I was being forced to choose between them.  Note:  I was not actually ever told to choose between them, but it still felt like it.  I wound up choosing Donny.  It wasn't that hard a choice, as Hannah started going through a phase where everything was about her.  Donny and I still talk, but Hannah and I barely speak.
Now, Emma and I...well, we're still/again's very complicated.  She is now actually engaged to Donny, so that' your ex friend's, yeah, it's not that bad actually.  But, her and I have had a history of being explosive.  And it's only been within a few months ago that her and I have actually began talking, like seriously talking.
Donny and I have also had times where we barely talked.  But he is my brother and if you didn't know better, you would think he was blood.  There have been times when we've skyped and he's said something I almost said and vice versa.
But what really gets me is this:  Why do some people come into your life, then leave?  They come in, they bring their youtube videos, their jokes, their songs, books, movies, everything, then they leave...or you leave them?  Why does that happen?  And why do some people come into your life and stay?  It honestly kind of confuses me.  Probably because I try to understand everything and there's no way on earth that I could ever honestly do that....  Anyway, that was the end, thank you for reading, y'all are awesome.
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome, too, dear Katie!! I love reading your blogs too, but I never could figure out how to leave a comment for you until a few days ago. Did you ever get my other comment that I'm talking about?


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