Friday, February 27, 2015


Life is like a Choir.  We have our sopranos, our altos, tenors, basses, and everyone in the middle, plus lead.
In choir, the people who sing lead, sing the melody, they sing the part that everyone hears, or is supposed to hear.  They are the leaders.
The sopranos hit the high notes, the rise above everyone else with their strong, high, sometimes operatic voices.  They are the ones that carry others up.
The altos sing lower, but they blend so beautifully with everyone else and sometimes do back times.  They are the ones who bring others together.
The tenors sing lower than the altos, but not as low as the basses.  Their voices are high and low at the same time.  They're similar to the altos, they bring others together.
Then there's the basses.  Their strong and resonating voices bring out the soul in the music.  They're those who push others to do brave things.
Then we have those who sing middle notes.  They aren't sopranos, altos, tenors, basses, or even lead singers...but they have a part too.  They fill up empty spaces and though sometimes their voices may go unnoticed, they are there.  They're those who support others, and fill empty spaces in life.
What would happen though, if everyone sang the middle note in life?  If everyone was just supporting and space filling?  We would have no one to carry up, we would have no leaders, no one to bring others together or do brave, resonating things.
What if everyone sang the lead note in life?  There would be a lot of head-butting, because there would be no altos or tenors to bring others together.
Everyone has their own "singing" part in life and though some people can sing more than one part, if they're trying to sing someone else's part, the whole song will sound funny, so embrace your own singing part in life.
~Katie :)

Thursday, February 19, 2015


You know, I've been thinking...maybe there is no such thing as an overachiever.  I get called an overachiever sometimes, because I'll get an assignment that was due on Friday, done on Tuesday and turn it in Wednesday morning.  But what if I'm not really an overachiever?
I know what I'm capable of.  I know what I can achieve.  And if I go ahead and do what I know what I can achieve, aren't I achieving just right?  The only way to overachieve would be if I achieved something I wasn't capable of achieving...which would be impossible, because it's something I'm not capable of achieving.
So, maybe, when you think about it, you're underachieving when you know what you COULD achieve, but decide NOT to achieve it or even to try it, because you're too lazy to, or because you think you'll get made fun of.  There's no such thing as overachieving, only underachieving and just-right-achieving.

~Katie :)

Friday, February 6, 2015


Those of you who know me, know I love books.  When I was younger I did almost nothing but read books, climb trees, make things I read about from books....everything was books.  I loved books.  I still love books, but some things make it harder to actually sit down and read.  Such as school.  Anyway, I wanted to talk about books.  Sort of.
Some books are absolutely wonderful.  I always loved Alice in Wonderland.  So whimsical, I suppose is what you would call it.  I read it several times.  I also read Little Women several times, as well as Eight Cousins, and the Little House on the Prairie books.  I had read the first Chronicles of Narnia book by the time I was six.  Well, actually, that depends on which book you're counting as the first.  I read The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.  I also read some books that couldn't exactly be classified as 'classics' of any type.  I read  The Boys Start the War and The Girls Get Even.  The Girl With the Silver Eyes, Babysitting is a Dangerous Job, The Furthest Away Mountain, Dragon Rider, Boxcar Children, Twelve Candles Club....  Anything I could get my hands on.  Anything.
I still read books.  I read books like Sold and This Song Will Save Your Life.  I still read the Chronicles of Narnia books and just recently I reread The Girl With the Silver Eyes.  I just finished a book called Out of My Mind.  I read books with titles like Tempest.  Once.  Unfortunately, in English, I'm reading a book called The Great Gatsby.  Personally, I see nothing great about him at all.
I read Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Realistic, Romance, ANYTHING.
Some really good books I've read were: This Song Will Save Your Life, Out of My Mind, Thirteen Reasons Why, Because I Am Furniture.  And those are just some I can remember the titles of.  And do you know what every single one of those books is at least somewhat about?  Bullies.  In This Song Will Save Your Life, the main character is the butt of every joke and for some reason wants to be popular.  There's one point where she tried to kill herself.  Where did the title come from?  She came across a warehouse 'night club' where she became a DJ.  Out of My Mind is about a girl with cerebral palsy (as far as I know, the story isn't true.)  She can't talk, she can't walk, but then she gets a device that she can bang on with her thumbs and write out what she wants to say, and it will say it for her.  That's how she shows her smarts.  She's so smart she's put in a "smart bee," but her 'team' leaves her behind at the last minute...they don't like her, because of how different she is, because they don't understand her.  Thirteen Reasons Why is about a girl who kills herself.  But, she leaves behind 7 cassette tapes, with thirteen of the sides recorded on, and these tapes get passed around to thirteen people, each side explaining to each person what effect they had on her decision to kill herself.  Because I Am Furniture is one of the saddest ones, because it's about a girl who is abused in her own home.
Yes, I read sad books.  I also read happy ones.  But what I want to point out is that these books are popular.  People read them.  And do you know why?  Why do people read any books?  They read educational books to learn, funny books to laugh, but why sad books?  Because they relate.  And that makes me mad.
No one.  NO ONE.  Should ever have to relate to books like that.  Why does these books sell?  Why does everyone love them?  Because they relate.  And they shouldn't have to relate to books like that.  And I know I just repeated myself, but it makes me so mad.  There are people who bully and it's like they don't even stop to think, "Wait, this is a person too.  I'm hurting another human."  And what I don't understand is why.
Don't give me that crap about, "Their daddy isn't home," "They're hurt inside," "They're insecure," "They're just teasing."  They choose how they act.  Your daddy isn't home and they're hurt inside?  Okay, so why make others hurt inside?  You're insecure?  Okay, do your best to make no one else feel insecure.  You're just teasing?  Are you my friend?  No?  You have no right to tease me.  That is reserved for my family and friends...people who know not to cross the line.
Do your part....don't help add to the population of people who relate to sad books like that.
~Katie X(

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


So, I've been sick.  In fact, I missed school Monday and Tuesday.  For those of you who know me well, you know that I do not miss school.  Ever.  Tuesday, I thought I'd be able to handle it, but...well...when we were on our way to school, I started coughing so hard I couldn't breathe.  I couldn't even stop coughing.
I wound up staying at my cousin's house all day long, infecting her bed, sleeping with very few breaks.  I feel sorry for all the people who tried to text me, although it was mostly one of my best friend's brother, Andy.
When I moved from Nowata, Andy and Zena (his sister, my best friend) were pretty much my best friends and recently, Andy got my number and BAM suddenly random texts about presidents.  I believe his first text was something about John Adams....  So, now our main thing is to send each other lists of presidents, colors, historical people...anything.  Oh, and animal noises.  And Zena and I always text about...everything.  Boys, how strange Andy is....Jasper.  Everything.  Man I miss her.
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I was alive, not dead or gasping for air somewhere (yet).
~Katie :)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

November 18, 2015

What's so important about that date?  That is the date I turn 18.  That is the date I magically turn into an adult and take on all the responsibilities of adulthood.  Suddenly, I'm going to be deemed responsible enough, old enough, to buy knives, guns, and ciggarettes on my own.  Suddenly, I'm going to be deemed old enough to vote on who I want running my country.  Suddenly I'm responsible enough to work in the meat/deli section of store.
What's so magical about the age 18?  When I turned sixteen after being fifteen, I still freaked out happily over a new knife or seeing something involving one of my fandoms out in public.  I still google searched strange things to use in my books.  I still read books from the children AND YA section of the library.  Same goes for when I turned seventeen after being sixteen.  Of course, I'm so out of it sometimes that I still almost tell people that I'm fifteen.
Of course, things that happened while I was sixteen was that I got a job.  I was introduced to 'Doctor Who,' and a wonderful time waster known as Netflix.  I got my first actual paycheck, while beforehand, when I was a mopper/janitor person I'd been paid out of my employer's pocket.  I got my first check stubs.  I built a little box/chest that I absolutely love.  It even has a lock.  Which I rarely use.  I met my cousin who was born on my birthday for the first time.  I went to four different camps in one summer.
And well, I suppose not much has happened since I turned seventeen, seeing as I've only been seventeen for a few months....  But different things will happen.
When I was little and envisioned myself at age twelve, I saw myself as super mature, almost adult, calm, cool collected....  Haha, yeah.  No.  And I'm sure that's not going to happen when I turn eighteen either.  I'm still going to be me, am I not?  And 'me' is still going to like the same things she does, is she not?  There was a little girl that once said something about how you're all ages at once.  When you're sick and tired and want your mommy to hold you, you're six (that's me right now.)  And she listed so many of those, but I don't remember them all and can't find them on youtube.
I guess my main point right now is this;  Okay, so I'll be 18.  It doesn't mean I'll really be any more mature or responsible than I am now...but I guess I might as well try.
~Katie :)
P.S.  Honestly, the whole idea makes me feel rather sick.