Wednesday, December 17, 2014


We have all learned something from someone.  Be this your parents, cousins, uncles, other relatives, the man down the street whose name you just can't quite remember, or even the nice cashier who waited patiently for you to frantically search your pockets for the money that you can't find because of those evil little elves that are constantly hiding your money at the very bottom of your pockets, underneath your phone, keys, and fingernail clippers.  Of course, the most "traditional" way to learn, is from teachers.  Ya know, those people that are hired by a school, the people you usually have to sit in a stupid, not super comfy desk to listen to them drone on and on and on about a topic you care nothing about.  Take me with math...yeah, I hate that subject.  But I've learned a lot from teachers (more from my mom and reading, but teachers too of course).

  1. On the keyboard ALT+the tab key lets you switch windows without ever once taking your hands off the keyboard.  This is wonderful knowledge if you're like me.
  2. You know when you're reading your Bible and you see some words in italics?  Yeah, those words weren't originally there, they were just added to try to make a bit more sense and put in italics so people would know they weren't originally in the text.  Like, okay, take the Bible verse Isaiah 45:18.  If you take the italizised words out, it changes the entire verse. "For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else."  Okay, read that the way it is.  It seems to be saying God made the earth then it completely changes apparently he is the LORD and there is none else, although that has nothing to do with him making the earth.  Take out the italic words.  "For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I the LORD; and none else."  Now it appears the verse is saying that God made the earth, just him, no one else.  Neat, yes?  Now take a totally random Bible verse.  Isaiah  46:12 "Hearken unto me,ye stouthearted, that are far from righteousness:"  Take out the italic word and it just seems weird.
  3. The exterior angle is equal to the two far interior angles...I wanted to be able to say I learned something from the math teacher.
  4. There was a difference between the Pharisees and Sadducees....I honestly did not know that.
  5. You can actually sing loud enough to fill an entire room, without a mic, if you actually project enough.  I never said I was good at that.
  6. People can "like" other people out of pity.
  7. If you have a new enough version of Microsoft Word, you can put citations and stuff in your document with just a few simple clicks.
  8. Don't assume there have to be a few falses in every true and false test.  Sometimes there will be all trues.
  9. A person can be a good person...but a not so great teacher.
  10. Illegal immigration isn't just in the U.S.A.
  11. There is in fact a website where you can listen to tons of Adventures in Odyssey for FREE.
I'm tired, goodnight.
~Katie :)

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