Monday, December 8, 2014

Just a Musing

Every single day at school, he tries to be more like them.  More of a jerk, less of himself.  He's jealous and mad at some others, simply because they are different and are themselves the entire day.  Someone, he seems to think that by being more like the people who torment him, they'll like him better.  But it's never going to happen.  They don't care about him.  They're immature and if that's themselves, they're rather shallow.  He can't seem to see it though.  He continues to think that being like them will make them like him.  But they seem to treat him with more contempt.  And he still doesn't notice.  Or he doesn't care.  Something inside him drives him to pursue popularity and favor.  But honestly, if he would just be himself, he would have more friends.  At least more true friends.  Fewer friends that everyday ask, "You know we're friends, right?" then say something insulting.  If he thinks that that is what a friend is...I feel sorry for him.
Real friends don't do things like that.  Real friends love you and care for you.  They don't insult you every day.  Why would he ever think that that's what a real friend was?  Has he ever had a real friend?  Just because someone is different doesn't mean that you can't be friends with them.  It doesn't mean that you treat them poorly.  If you don't want to be friends with them, fine...but that doesn't mean that you treat them like they're worth less than you.  God made every person, and each person is worth the same in His why do people view other people poorly, just because of differences?
So, because for some unknown reason, he can't be himself, he has to be different, he has to try to make himself worth liking...even if it means driving away his true friends.  And that's something I don't understand.

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