Hey peeps. I promised my friend Ronda that I would make a post for her...and that's what this is. I love you Ronda! No one could ever sever our friendship, and no distance could keep us apart. We have been friends since I was seven...which is about eight, almost nine years...if a friendship can last that long...well, I betcha it could last even longer.
The same goes for my other friend, Kayden, and my other friend Karen, although I haven't known you guys as long as I have known Ronda, our bonds are strong, and I love you both, and you both make me laugh, and brighten my day, and keep me gong. Without you three awesome people, I have no idea where I would be in this life. A lot more depressed I can tell you.
Aside from my thingy to friends...I moved. I am no longer a Kansan, but an Okie....
Today I went rollerblading across town. All the way across. Pretty fun, I feel invigorated. I was pleased to discover that the roads here are good for rollerblading. When you get on the other side of town, it gets a little rougher riding though. I also found a hill that is fun to go down. Less fun going up, but fun going down.
I know that this is random..but my eye itches.
Anyway, I'm gonna run off...
~Katie :)
P.S. it might interest my readers to know that I am on the a and b honor roll in school ;)
I also thought you might want to know that I'm gonna be checking the comments, because of a spammer.
Miss you girl. Love you bunches. Grammy