Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Rather Interesting Day for Katie anyone interested in knowing what I did today?  I cut my foot!  With a knife!!!  On accident!!!!!!  I even got pictures taken ^_^
Meet my foot!!!
I was outside, at my aunt's house, playing catch with my cousin, when I suddenly realized that the knife I'd brought with me was missing.... Now at this point, you have to have some vital information to understand why this is the most horrible thing ever.  It's horrible, because my knife was in a sheath, and my knife is not a folding knife.  It's more like a small dagger.  Well, I'm searching for my knife...and not finding I go inside to alert my mom of this atrocity, then go back outside.  On the way back in...I don't really remember what I was doing, but I was walking back toward the house, when I tripped over something.  At first I thought that it was a stick, but I looked, and it was my knife, and my foot (which was bare, because it's nice enough out to go barefoot, and I don't like shoes) was bleeding.  So I sat down, and held my foot together, and sent my cousin into the house to get my mom, and now I'm sitting here with my foot propped up, feeling better, but I am pretty hungry right now.  And I really want to curl up with my foot under me right now.  It stinks.  I'm also on my aunt's computer because Keith (my computer) is still dead, and we haven't gotten a Keith the 3rd yet.  Depressing, I know.
My leg feels somewhat funny too now though.  I also don't want to get stitches.  I'm quite alright with no stitches!!!  We've got it butterflied, and if we really need to, we can use superglue.  And yes, on the picture of my foot, that is blood down near the bottom.
It's my left foot, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to wear closed toed shoes to school Monday.  Unclosed toe shoes is a big no-no at my school.  Honestly, half the rules there don't make sense.  Like you have to have long sleeves,--past the elbow--highschool girls can't wear their hair down, no hats in the building, no hoods, no sunglasses--although I don't understand why someone would want to wear sunglasses inside....  Yeah, a lot of strange rules, that escape my understanding. many of you like pictures of sunsets?

Well, you get one whether you like them or not!!!
Anyway, I'm gonna go now.
See y'all later!!!
~Katie :)


  1. Horatio wears sunglasses inside....If I wore them inside I would tell everyone I was related to him, Hope your foot feels better soon.

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