Okay, I just heard the words, so I typed them as the title. Although, if you're a Christian, when you die Heaven will be your forever home...SO!
Um, hey, as I was saying, I'm sorry for taking so long in posting a new blog post, but hey, what can I say...I had some stressful stuff going on, and school takes up a lot of time when you're not homeschooled.
Wanna know something that irks me? No, you probably don't, but ya know what? I'll tell ya anyway! It irks me when non homeschooled people automatically assume that all homeschoolers do is sit around, and play on the computer, or sleep all day.
While I will be the first to admit that when I was homeschooled, I did sleep in quite a bit, stay up rather late, and get on the computer quite often, I also got my work done a lot faster.
It wouldn't take a whole hour like people do in a brick and mortar school to do everything. A lot of the time I would get it done faster, therefore, I had more time to spend on the computer and sleep. There were times when about 8 subjects would take an hour or two at most for me to complete, as opposed to the hour for each subject that it takes for a good deal of people. So see?
Some homeschoolers might actually do that, and not really learn anything, but I would like to know what public schooler, or private schooler (other than me or Karen) knows what acrophobia means, would answer someone, "Depleted funds." when asked why they weren't going to a youth convention, and has ever made their own little blacksmith shop in their kitchen.
Okay, that was what irks me.
What irks you?
Something amazing that happened recently is that I got a Tessie Talk. For those of you who don't know what that is, a Tessie Talk is a ventriloquist figure.
I will hereby call her a vent figure.
I renamed her Alana. Pronounced with the on sound. I love her so much!
She's cute, and sweet, and adorable, and I will totally have to post a picture of her sometime. Sometime soon probably, but knowing me it'll be a while before there's a post of her up.
So, I've been sad the past few days, because Mr. Miller (choir teacher) wasn't at school. Instead he went to a wedding. I hope that when I get married he'll skip school to come to my wedding.
Okay, so who all remembers when I said that I was considering never making any more friends? Okay, well I decided against that, because on a whole I normally like people. Just not stupid idiots who are so closed minded that they're squishing up their brains. And besides that, I'm making new friends at school.
I'm not sure what to talk about right now, but I would suggest looking up funny X-Factor, America's Got Talent, and American Idol videos up on youtube. There's some pretty hilarious ones!
Oh yeah, and I would like to make a public "My aunt is awesome" speech, and a public, "My mom is amazing" speech right here, right now on my blog.
Okay, so totally, my Aunt Melody? She's totally awesome! She actually bought me a bunch of lunch stuff to take to school, in order for me to not be forced to eat school lunches! And she even bought me dorritos, and two gatorades! Lemonade Gatorades! (I have a little recipe coming up in a second!) I love those gatorades, they are amazing tasting. Just love em. So yeah, my aunt is awesome.
My mom is totally amazing! Those of you who have met her had better agree with me on that, because if you don't, you're in biiiiig trouble!
Okay, now that that's aside, on to my recipe.
What? Oh, you wanted a reason for my mom to be amazing? Well, guess what? I don't need one!
Here's my recipe:
To start with you'll need two different kinds of gatorade. Lemonade gatorade, and...the light blue (forgot the name of it) gatorade. Your third ingredient is green tea with lemon.
To start with, mix equal amounts of the gatorades together, while you wait for the water for your tea to boil. Once the water has boiled, take your tea bag, and brew it. After that you put sugar in the tea, and mix it up all good, then cool it. You can do this by either letting it set till it's room temp, or you can ice it. Your choice. After that, you mix some of that in with your gatorade mix. Add ice as desired.
I suppose that if you wanted to add other beverages you could do that, however, I would strongly advise against adding hot chocolate to the mix, as it tastes disgusting mixed up together with it.
Anyway, I'm glad to be of some assistance in your everyday life.
Oh yeah, also, if you ever want to rob me, there will be no one home on the following days: when we aren't home. At the following times: Whatever time we aren't home. And my address is as follows: Number number another number, Street Name, Town, Kansas, and my zip code is a series of numbers. Oh yeah, and if you wanna call to make sure we're not home, here's my number: 123-not-telling. We keep our valubles in the safe, located in a place that you will never know, and the combination for it is number number letter letter letter number, poke poke punch. And just in case that isn't enough, this is my facebook password so you can ruin my social life: IwillNEVERtellUbutth@nksfor@sking. And the email so you can complete the task is: katiesemail@yahoo.com
Okay, you can sufficiently rob me, and ruin my social life :)
Glad to be of assistance!
~Katie :)
P.S. Please keep yourself safe from internet stalkers! Do as I do, and refrain from posting extremely personal information about yourself! Because then, if you post about the awesomely fun time that you had speeding down the road at 150 mph the cops will catch you and throw you in jail. And besides that you could get hurt badly, and possibly murdered. I'm just gonna pretend like today is internet predator awareness day. Okay, so yeah, that's it. I LOVE YOU!
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