Alright, so Beauty and the Beast has become a pretty hot topic lately. LeFou (which means The Fool) is gay and "One day wants to be Gaston, and the other day wants to be with Gaston."
I have several topics to address.
To begin with: Neither Gaston, nor LeFou were in the original book...and personally, I prefer the book to start with. First off, The Beast was not a selfish child like it shows in the movie, he was a young prince, whose mother enlisted the aid of a fairy/witch to win a war, promising her son in marriage...once the war was one, the mother pulled a Judah (from the Bible, somewhere in Genesis) and refused to allow her son to marry the fairy/witch, so her son was cursed. Beauty had two mean sisters and her father was a merchant. He became poor on a journey, after his ships crashed, and he was only able to bring the thing one of his daughters requested...Beauty's rose. He was imprisoned by the Beast, told he could go home and tell his daughters goodbye or trade with one. Beauty insisted on going in the place of her father and the Beast treated her very well.
Back on the movie...even in the original animated movie, LeFou is, if not gay, definitely very effeminate. He practically worships Gaston...which, for those who are so outraged about him being gay...isn't idolatry also a sin?
I know what the Bible says about homosexual sex. I also know that it only mentions sex. I'd also like to say that if someone is straight, even if they don't actively seek out relationships, or sexual relations, they are still straight. Therefore, applying that logic...if someone is gay/lesbian/bi, and they do not actively seek out relations of any type...they are still gay/lesbian/bi. I'm just going to say that.
Like one of my Facebook friends pointed out in a status...Gaston and LeFou are bad guys...and again...LeFou means "The Fool". Is this complimentary in any way toward the LGBT community? I personally wouldn't find it complimentary, to be honest.
Another those who are concerned about your children being influenced by this...I'd like to point out that there are gay people in the world. Your child will very likely encounter more than one gay person in their lifetime. Do you want them to be influenced first where you can influence them, or when they're out from under your protection? And I'm sorry, but overprotecting your child will not help them in the "real world". You will be setting your child up for mocking, ignorance, and possibly even danger, because you've never allowed them out, while still under your protection, to learn.
I didn't have huge plans to go see this movie...I was planning to see it eventually, like with the Cinderella movie, but most movies don't make me feel like watching them in theaters. My plans haven't changed.
I feel like sometimes people, especially people in the Christian community, forget that these people are people too. Is it any wonder that people don't come to the Christian community, when what they see is people calling them disgusting, and an abomination? They are not an abomination and they are not disgusting. They are not their sin/temptation/whateveryouwannacallit. They are a human. A human with feelings. A human with their own struggles and temptations. A human with a soul.
If you're reading have your own struggles and temptations. Are you tempted to overeat and be a glutton? Gluttony is a sin...and you can get away with it, because it's an "okay" sin. Do you act upon it? Or are you just tempted? Are you a disgusting abomination? You are not.
Jesus spoke to the woman at the well. A Samaritan...probably a prostitute...and he didn't call her disgusting. He didn't say she was an abomination. Amazing.
Jesus said that the second greatest commandment was to love your neighbor as yourself. And Paul said that without love, a person is just a clanging of brass. Out of faith, hope and is the greatest. I am not the best person in the world. I don't make the best choices sometimes. However, I've made a choice:
I will, to the best of my ability, love and show love to everyone I meet. It shouldn't matter who or what they are. It shouldn't matter what they have done. I will love them. And as our friendship goes on, maybe I can lead them to Christ...and then he can worry about the convicting.
Also, last I checked, the names Christians were calling members of the LGBT community were not loving at all....
I know this was kind of long, and I know it was kind of rambly. If you got this far, thank you.
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