Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Musings of a Child of a Crafter

            As the child of a crafter, I have always had cloth to sew, a sewing machine to sew on, needles and thread to sew with, yarn unlimited to crochet, plastic canvas…knot up….  And of course, if there’s something I really want or am interested in, I just go to my mom and say, “Hey, Mom, how hard would it be to make (insert crafty item here)?”
            I have always had someone to fix my torn clothing, make clothing, make a cape, make a doll carrier when I was younger and played with dolls, fix a dress, make a purse, make a computer case…I may be exaggerating my mom’s skills, but barely.  She is super talented.
            As the child of a crafter, I also am familiar with craft shows.  Load the vehicle the day before.  Get there early…sometimes before the sun is up, if it’s a one day thing, set up the tables, put down cloths, attempt to arrange things in the best manner to get the attention of those who happen to pass by, while at the same time, making the best use of the space provided.
            Then the day is spent, wandering around the craft show, looking at everything and maybe spending a little bit of money that could also be spent on food.  Always coming back to the booth, letting Mom go look at everything as well.  Hoping and praying that someone will buy the very fancy, forty-dollar, hand crocheted, baby dress, that took hours to make.
            Then, at the end of the craft show, we pack everything away again.  Load up.  Go home.  And next craft show, we do it all over again.  And guess what?  It’s time consuming, it takes a lot of time, usually we’re a bit tired at the end of the day…but we love it.


P.S.  This was written while I was away from internet, on Word, so if the format is strange, that's why.

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