Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pros and Cons between Journals and Blogs

Once, a long long time ago, I did a thing about the Pros and Cons with Homeschooling and Brick and Mortar Schooling.
Click Here to View it. 
Well, I've decided to make something similar for Journals and Blogs!  Yay!  Let's get to it!
  1. You can put all your dark secrets in there.  Secrets you don't want people to know.
  2. You don't have to worry about making your writing legible for everyone else.
  3. You write for you and you alone.  No worries about any mispellings or grammar errors.  It's just for you.
  1. If anyone gets a hold of your journal and you do have secrets in're dead meat.
  2. You only have so much room.  Both in the journal and room to put all the journals you're going to be filling up.
  3. Journals cost money and a lot of the time, unless you use plain notebooks, it takes more money than most people want to spend :/
  1. You get to show pictures, thoughts and ideas to the WORLD with just the time it takes to type up stuff and click the publish button.
  2. For many people, it's faster and neater to type, rather than to write, so even if you were showing your journal to others, they would be sure to know what you had written, instead of trying to decipher  your bad handwriting.  No, I'm not talking about anyone in particular, it's just that some people have bad handwriting and I think I'll leave this point now....
  3. You don't need a light on to write on the blog, because you write on the blog on a computer or other lighted device.
  1. Once it's out's out there.  No getting it back.  You didn't want anyone to know about it?  Well, it's too late now.
  2. You have to have internet connection.
  3. You have to have a computer or other electronic device in order to make a blog post.
Well, there ya have it.  I keep both.  A journal and a blog.  See, the thing with a journal is that it deals with things on a much more personal level, whereas if I feel the need to make a point on something or rant, I come to my blog.  If I have to get some "guy stuff" off my brain...guess where it journal.  If I am super excited about something epic, I might post it on here AND write about it in my journal.  If it's something about a book I'm gonna start writing, I'll write it in/on both!  You see how this works?
Yes?  Oh?  Well...I gotta go.  Katie has WORK in the morning.  Well, not morning.  Not 'til 1:30...but Katie has other things she'll be doing in the way too early hours of morning....  Grr.  Well, again, I gotta go.  Bye.
    ~Katie :)

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