Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rant Time

Alright, do you want to know something that I think is totally wrong, unfair, and screwed up?  No, of course you don't, but guess what, this is my blog, so I shall completely disregard your feelings, because I can do that on my blog, like I can do absolutely nowhere in real life.  Okay, that's not quite true.  I just assume that because you're on my blog, you care about what I have to say.  Anyway, here goes my rant.
At school, when people at my school--which is a Christian school, where everyone loves everyone and treats no one better or worse, no bullying has ever gone on there, bullying ever will go on there, there is absolutely no drama and please don't tell me that you think there's anything perverted or inapproriate there!  And that was all sarcasm, just so you know--pick teams for things like softball and volleyball, due to popularity, rather than talent.  I am not saying that I'm the best athlete in the school.  I know I'm not.  But I am also not the worst.  There are people, who when they play volleyball duck anytime the ball comes flying toward them and people who when they play softball don't even run after hitting the ball.
When I play volleyball, I at least try.  And when I play softball, I usually hit the ball and when I hit that ball I RUN.  I can serve fairly well in volleyball and I've managed to get the ball over the net before.  I actually try.  I will willingly say that I stink at playing in the field for softball though.  But there's a wonderful cure for that.  PUT ME SOMEWHERE WHERE THE BALL RARELY EVER GOES!
I hate it how when I stand up there, I'm the only one left up there and the captain is all like, "Okay, we'll take Katie."  I hate it.
I'm not the only one either.  There are other people who aren't picked until last, simply because they aren't popular, regardless to whether they're good at the sport or not.  And I'm not saying that all of the popular kids are horrible at sports and all of the unpopular kids are good at them.  There's some popular kids that are good at sports and some that aren't.  Mostly the girls.  Then there's some unpopular kids who aren't that great at them.
But anyway, yeah, I hate it when people pick only because of popularity.  I hate it.  I just thought I'd leave that nice little rant.  And if you're from my school and reading this, there's nothing that says I'm talking about you in either the popular kids who are good at sports, the popular kids who are awful at sports, the unpopular kids who are good at sports, the unpopular kids who are awful at sports, or the people who pick due to popularity only, so don't get offended.  And if you do get offended, please keep in mind--this is my blog, I say what I what, when I want, how I want, and if you don't like it...well...I guess you don't have to come back...just an idea.
~Katie :):

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