Monday, July 29, 2013


I feel like sharing a bunch of pictures here goes!
 ^That would be my facebook cover picture.  My two favorite hair, and my eyes.
 My sweet little kitty can fit in a cup.  Isn't that adorable?
 Prettiful tree.
 A slightly blurry rose.
 I was trying to curl my hair once, and I wanted to take a picture of it before it loosened up and stopped being so bouncy.
 Both sides curled, and...they loosened up....
And that is a picture of my class, drawn by my classmate Corgan, who is on the far left. <that way is left.  The big angry person would be Bro. Todd, who was our sponsor.  Corgan is a pretty good artist huh?
And thus ends the pictures of the day.
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. Well, then. All these dudes and then bam! A girl with a sword who has someone else on a leash.

    I did not recognize you in the picture with the curls loosened...Lol. I think they look better bouncy.


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