Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I Have a Feeling....

I have a feeling that I will be at the library a lot.  Both to check out books and to get on the computer.  Did you guys know that The Princess Bride is also a book?  In fact, I believe that the book was written before the movie was made.  I highly suggest looking it up, especially if you liked the movie.
While the movie was amazing, the book was just as amazing.  It explained things in more detail, including how the sword for the six fingered man was made.  It had a few things in the Miracle Max scene that weren't in the movie, but then again, there were also things that weren't in the book that were in the movie.  The scene where Vizini dies is better in the movie, because you get to hear his stupid little laugh.  And you get more details about Buttercup and Westley's love in the book.
In my opinion the book and the movie are just too good to be compared.  They're better in their own little way, just like men and women.
Anyway, I thought you guys might want to know that.
I completely forgot my reason for getting on my blog and starting a post, other than to let y'all know that I'm alive, and still a Kansan at heart, because Kansas is still better than Oklahoma, so ha.  And as beautiful as Colorado is, Kansas is better than Colorado too.  And much better than Tennessee, even though I've never actually been to Tennessee....
Anyway, yeah, I'll just go back to facebook, howrse, and word document thingy....
See y'all!!!
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. We have driven though kansas multiple times before, we were looking for dinner but the only thing we saw was empty fields for 2 hours... finally we found a gas station with a tiny DQ in the middle of nowhere, yeah I'll stick to my state. ;)


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