Well, didja miss me? I know, I've been gone for a
long time! I'm probably gonna disappear again later on.
So, I guess it's time for me to catch y'all up on my life, huh?
School News!!!
So, in English we've been working on these persuasive papers...I don't like them...to convince people (by using facts) what swallowed Jonah. I do not like it. It is annoying. It is time consuming. It's slightly confusing. I doth not like it a bit. Grr. Yes, I did say grr. Deal with it.
In Science, we've mostly been working out of our books, and planning for the science fair, (Which I am not thrilled about) with a ton of crazy hecticness from my classmates.
History--We've been working out of our books, which we've almost finished! Woo Hoo!!! Soon there will be no more History. Of course after that we'll have to pick a country, and make a...paper? Or maybe a power point, I'm not sure which, about it. I've chosen to do Lesotho. I don't know why, but I've always had an inkling toward that country. It's a little country in the middle of South Africa. I like it, but I don't know how. We're also working on maps, ya know, putting the names and capitals on a blank map. We're doing a world map! I both like, and dislike maps. It's confusing, I know.
Bible--Well...biblical stuff....
Journalism--I'm almost done with all my pages! I just have to super scold Joe. CRUD! Crud a thousand times over!!! I forgot to get Joe's number! CRUD! One moment while I quit crudding and see if Darrell is on to get Joe's number from. No Darrell, but there's Bethany...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Shoot me, kay? YES I GOT HIS NUMBER!!! (I need to get certain pics of/from him for Journalism)
Choir--We're practicing for the Spring/Easter Program with the Speech and Drama people, and I have a solo/duet in the play thingy! WOO HOO! Awesome fun, no?
All that awesome stuffehz....
It was recently my principal's birthday, so for Chapel/Assembly we threw him a surprise birthday, and there was cake!!! I love cake! So, anyway, I'm gonna tell a story I find awesome, and funny, so if any of the school board is reading this, don't go complaining to Bro. Brewer, because of what the only Freshman girl said about her classmates, okay? I find it funny, so my classmates do not need to get into trouble. *bangs head* people often want to go saying things that don't even involve them. So...um...anyway, I had my cake, and my classmates Corgan, and Travis had their own cake, and I sat down, because it's hard to eat cake while standing.
Travis sat in the closest available seat, which happened to be next to me, and began to eat his cake. Corgan stood behind us, and began to eat his cake. (All the cake was very yummy by the way, if you care to know little things like that) Everything was fine for a little while, then from behind comes this fork, and sinks itself into Travis' cake. NOT Travis' fork either! So he fends off Corgan, while the whole time Corgan is saying to make sure no one got cake crumbs or punch on his suit. Seriously? Finally, Travis gets tired of all this attempted cake theft, and moved way over by the wall. I was close to the center. Corgan decides to sit down in the closest available seat, which happened to be next to me. All was well and good for well...about two minutes, then a fork darts out! NOT MY FORK! And it lodged itself IN MY CAKE! So...I elbowed Corgan and somehow some punch (whether mine or his, I don't know) spilled...and got on his suit...and my skirt. He threw a bit of a fit (and I didn't see him again till our next class) but I was chill.
Also...NEVER read Song of Solomon in my class. I don't care if you are an awesome senior. Just don't read it aloud. My classmates are pervs....
I think that's all my school news :p
Me News!!!
In a way I guess all my news is "me news," but...well it's still different. My church has been having revival...well, not now, but it was the past week. Bro. Elmore was the speaker, and man, I think he's my favorite speaker, because he's got this awesome animated, crazy insane awesome way of preaching. He can tell stories and stuff, but he always keeps it biblical, and he pretty much always gets his point across. Plus his family are awesome singers. It's like bluegrass I think. I like that style. Well, actually, I like every style...but...yeah. Well...I don't like rap.
I've been doing a bit of sewing! I don't have pictures *sad face* but I took some shirts (long sleeved button up) and cut part of the bottom off, and part of the sleeves, then I took some extra cloth, and made a flowy bottom on it, and long flowy sleeves. I love it. Well, them, I made two. And a matching skirt for one of them! I have a belt that goes awesome with the style that I've got, so I wear it. It's a wide belt, with a cowboy like buckle. I like it. I already said that didn't I?
Anyway...I guess I had more school news than me news...so I suppose I'll draw this to a close.
~Katie :)