Alright.... There is an aplication on facebook, called status shuffle, it has cute statuses for you to use, and here's a few of them ;)
I have a friend. This friend is a guy. No he is NOT my boyfriend, but, he is one of my best friends, and I love him like a brother.
Strangers stab you in the tummy, friends stab you in the back, boys stab you in the heart, but sisters just stab you with bendy straws.
Unless you've hung on a cross and died for me, don't tell me how to run my life.
That's all!
Signing out, a twitterpated, girl, who happens to have a friend who climbs on ceilings... KATIE
I should start telling guys who try to flirt with me that I'm twitterpated for someone else. :P Although I like Aragorning them too. "It is but a shadow and a thought that you love. I cannot give you what you seek." That was hilarious.